School Policies
Policy Group 1
Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching Policy
Each teacher will be a leader of learning through the planning and delivery of lessons that will result in high levels of engagement, learning and rapid student progress.
To promote the provision of high-quality education through strategic planning, engaging teaching and diagnostic marking.
Supporting learning and Teaching Policy
The early identification of children and young people’s needs and early intervention to support them.
To ensure high-quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with all educational needs.
To have a focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning.
To ensure that karachi grammar school meets its aim to have a truly inclusive approach to learning for all learners.
Learners needing extra support
“the guiding principle is the schools should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions.” (unesco 1994)
The range of educational needs which may be supported are:
Attainment and progress support.
Emotional, social or behavioural need.
Identifying a student’s needs involves using a range of data to establish a baseline. Analysing this information helps to establish the student’s strengths and identify reasons for underachievement. Where students are falling behind or making inadequate progress given their age and starting point, they will be given extra support.
The section leadership team must closely monitor the support of each student identified and meet regularly with the teachers (class meetings) and parents concerned (individual ptms). At each meeting, the support plan is to be revised accordingly. In meeting the needs of each child, the schools collaborate with the students and their parents.
Extra support: where a student has been identified as requiring additional support, school leaders ensure that the following are in place:
A review of the quality of the day-to-day teaching the student is receiving and any changes required.
Detailed and accurate assessment of the student’s needs, starting with information gathered as part of the whole-school assessment, tracking and monitoring processes.
They provide opportunities for students and parents to be fully engaged in the process right from the start and agreement reached on how needs will be met.
An ‘individual education plan’ (iep) is put in place, which focuses on the expected outcomes and the support that the school and parents will provide.
Effective communication with, and support for, any staff involved in implementing the plan.
There will be regular iep review meetings/iptms, with parents and the student, where appropriate. In these meetings, the discussions centre around outcomes, progress against targets, and the responsibilities of the parent, student and school. These reviews will be in addition to the twice-yearly parent-teacher meetings.
The head of each section will keep copies of all letters, referrals, reports and correspondence in students’ files.
Inclusion strategies in class
Differentiation and matching
Differentiation refers to instruction or curriculum that has been modified from a standard approach to meet the needs of particular students’. (tomlinson, 1999)
Teachers must know their students to meet individual needs most effectively, establish ground rules with the students, and recognise that it is acceptable for everyone to work at a different pace.
Create an atmosphere conducive to learning. Students need to understand what teachers want them to do and why. As well as outlining aims and objectives/intentions at the start of each lesson, any activity must be fully explained so that the students know what is expected of them.
Teachers plan a variety of strategies to respond to individual needs. By becoming aware of individual differences, teachers can prepare for these in advance using differentiated questioning, pair or group work, and various resources.
Levels of provision
Provision is as follows:
Stage 1: all students receive high-quality learning and teaching.
Stage 2: students receive targeted support from the class teacher.
Stage 3: if students still need support, they attend intervention sessions/extra support classes. These sessions aim to consolidate and practise what was taught in class. Interventions are set, monitored and supported by the class teacher.
Gifted and talented
Students with outstanding talent who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age require services or activities that may not be provided to most of their class. Research tells us that students who are gifted/talented are characterised by three interlocking clusters of ability, these clusters being above average ability, creativity and task commitment.
At karachi grammar school, we identify these students using test score nominations (standardised, formative and summative), teacher referrals, and parental request for testing.
Characteristics of a gifted and talented student:
Learns easily and rapidly.
Responds quickly to stretch and challenge activities.
Thinks clearly, recognises implied relationships, comprehends meanings.
Reads on the average of two years above grade level.
Retains what she/he has heard or read without appearing to need much rote or drill practice.
Possesses a large vocabulary.
Exhibits independence, individualism, and self-sufficiency.
Demonstrates a curious and investigative nature.
Asks penetrating, searching questions.
Focuses intently on areas of interest.
Produces original products or ideas.
Prefers complex ideas.
The library supporting learning
Schools with an active school library programme and a certified school librarian ensure their students have the best chance to succeed. ‘more than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence that school library programs staffed by qualified school librarians have a positive impact on student academic achievement. These studies demonstrate that strong school library programs help all students do better academically, even when considering other school variables. Students who do not speak english at home can be among those who benefit the most.’ (american library association)
Our school libraries foster critical thinking, providing students with the skills they need to analyse, form and communicate ideas in compelling ways.
A school library is a place of opportunity. It is a learning hub and homework help centre where students use technology and the latest information resources, preparing them to succeed in our global, competitive economy and ever-evolving workplace.
The school library fosters a safe and nurturing climate during the day.
Evaluating Learning and Teaching Policy
To ensure that the evaluation of learning and teaching is firmly embedded in the school improvement vision:
As part of improving learning and teaching and sharing of good practice.
As part of a systematic evaluation of the critical areas of school activity that will contribute to the school development plan.
To assess, evaluate and support the progress of all teachers.
To encourage staff to work in genuine partnership and help provide the grounds in which a learning culture of mutual respect can grow.
The evaluation process
The evaluation process has several strands. These include:
Discussion at subject coordination meetings focused on curriculum implementation and sharing good teaching practices for active learning.
The regular sampling of learning journals to evaluate the quality of student work and learning progress.
The analysis of mid-year and end of year results and subsequent action planning for improvement.
The agreeing of targets for individuals and groups and the following review of attainment.
The use of questionnaires and other student feedback measures (e.g. Step).
The analysis of lesson observations and learning journal scrutiny data to review the progress of teachers.
Class meetings to review the progress of students and class, and devise ieps in agreement with the parents and students.
Diagnostic learning walks to gather evidence to inform grading of a particular area of focus, for instance, displays, classroom practices, use of resources and environment for learning.
How can we find out?
There is a range of strategies for evaluation purposes, and time must be taken to identify the most appropriate method for the purposes required.
Self-evaluation is a crucial strategy in enlisting the support of a reflective professional in evaluating specific performance indicators or improvement strategies.
The analysis of classroom documentation and materials, such as long-term plans, schemes of work, ieps, lesson plans, students’ work, and classroom displays.
Learning journal scrutiny is required to evaluate the quality of diagnostic marking by the teachers for students’ improvement. The marking should be frequent and consistently of high quality, making explicit what students have done well and how to improve further. Marking can include ‘what went well’ (www) and ‘even better if’ comments (ebi).
Interviews and surveys with individual members of staff about the learning and teaching process, classroom methods and issues such as appropriateness of home learning activities, behaviour management and support for staff must occur.
Active participation by school leadership teams in a classroom activity to share with staff their experience of the learning and teaching process is critical. The monitoring becomes a shared activity and is promoted as a coordinated response to how well the school or department meets specific indicators or targets within the development plan.
Co-operative teaching aids evaluation. Members of staff can support each other in evaluating critical elements of classroom practice. This strategy, which need not involve line managers, could be of value in cross-curricular activities such as literacy across the curriculum and computing in learning and teaching.
The use of questionnaires and surveys with students and parents helps gather information about learning and teaching. For example, schools now frequently ask students to evaluate sections of work and new methods. Parents are asked about the overall teaching programmes provided by the school and the homework policy. Such general questionnaires should not, of course, identify individual teachers.
Data analysis is an essential part of the evaluation process. Data is now available comprehensively on levels of attainment – external exam results, mye/eoy results and other internal assessment data. The review of student performance can identify specific areas for development and initiate monitoring procedures to measure progress. Use of the data enables good practice to be identified and used to support the development of others.
Classroom observation. In a climate where all teachers share a collegiate responsibility for raising attainment and progress, direct observation of the classroom experience of students and classes is an essential professional tool that is part of the ongoing experience of teachers and students. Such activity has the potential to generate positive and supportive professional discussion. It also allows promoted staff to see the challenges and difficulties that classroom teachers face daily. It also permits the impact of professional development to be evaluated. A lesson observation form is available in each section. Class observation of online classes will also take place. It should be noted that these will form part of the appraisal process for all teachers.
Proper professional procedures must be in place at the school level to ensure that observations are professionally conducted. Devising an annual programme is always crucial as the standard planning tool within our school.
Homework Policy
To consolidate, reinforce and extend the skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the classroom.
To develop an effective partnership between school and parents.
Homework raises a child’s level of attainment as children benefit significantly from the mutual support of both parents and teachers, encouraging them to learn and achieve.
Homework is an extension of classroom learning. Students must know the purpose(s) of home learning assignments.
Homework is reflective, preparatory, reinforcing and instructive.
Homework should enable learners to:
Achieve their full potential.
Develop the skills of an independent learner.
Promote a partnership between home and school.
Reinforce the extension of class learning by practising skills or the gathering of extra information or materials.
Encourage self-organization and self-discipline, thereby promoting and leading to independent study habits.
The current evidence and research show that the quality of home learning assigned is likely to be more important than the quantity. Research has established that home learning has a positive effect on learning, particularly at the middle and secondary school level (xu, 2010: zimmerman & kitsantas, 2005).
Although home learning’s effectiveness has been challenged by educators, parents and students (kohn, 2006), it continues to be an educational supplement used by most teachers to enhance the learning experience of their students (patall, cooper & wyne, 2010).
Overall, the effectiveness of home learning is enhanced by providing students with choices of activities which will result in higher motivational and performance outcomes, students’ autonomy, and intrinsic motivation (patall et al., 2010).
Homework is a set of activities designed to be completed independently and reinforce work done in the class. It is the opportunity for students to work independently, to research and to extend their learning.
Karachi grammar school can support students by:
Ensuring the school’s homework policy is relevant to the needs of the students.
Advising parents of homework expectations at the beginning of the school year and providing them with a copy of the homework policy (fill the homework timetable in the lesson diary during the first week of school).
Encouraging parents to read to and with their children for enjoyment.
Ensuring that students use homework diaries to provide regular communication between parents and the school.
Teachers can support by:
Only reinforcing those topics that were introduced and supported well in class.
Giving full and comprehensive instructions.
Equipping students with the skills to solve problems.
Setting varied, challenging and meaningful tasks related to classwork to suit the students’ learning needs.
Giving students enough time to complete homework, considering home obligations and extra-curricular activities.
Assessing home learning and providing timely and practical feedback and support.
Not substituting class learning completion as a homework task.
Set deadlines for completed work and ensure that students meet them.
Home learning during absence:
If the illness is short term (i.e. One or two weeks), ‘catch up’ home learning activities must be given after the teacher has introduced the topic, and then they must ensure that the student can complete it independently.
If the absence is long term (i.e. Longer than a fortnight), then revision activity sheets of topics already taught may be sent home towards the end of this time.
Parents can support students by:
Developing a positive and productive approach to homework.
Ensuring there is a balance between the time spent on homework and recreational activities.
Reading to them, talking with them and involving them in learning opportunities during everyday household routines and physical activity.
Attending the school events, ptms, productions or displays in which their child is involved.
Ensuring to sign the homework diary of their child regularly.
Communicating with teachers concerning any problems concerning homework.
Linking homework/learning and other learning activities to the families’ culture, history and language, linking with relevant services, clubs, associations and community groups.
Students can take responsibility for their learning by:
Being aware of the school’s homework policy.
Discussing homework expectations with their parents.
Accepting responsibility for the completion of homework assignments within set time frames.
Following up on the diagnostic feedback comments made by the teachers.
Seeking assistance when difficulties arise.
Organising a time to manage obligations, participation in physical activity and sports, recreational and cultural activities.
Handwriting Policy
To develop a uniform writing pattern across the kg and junior sections, representing the high standards of kgs and encouraging teachers and children to recognise that handwriting is an essential form of communication.
To develop neat and legible handwriting skill in our students with nelson handwriting script.
To provide equal opportunities for all students to achieve success in handwriting.
To produce clear, concise, legible handwriting and to present work to a variety of audiences neatly.
To encourage our young learners to take pride in their work.
Teaching methods and organisation
At karachi grammar school, we follow the ‘nelson’ handwriting script. We aim to develop a clear, legible, fast-flowing handwriting style and encourage pride in work presentation. This is achieved through guided practice. The style of handwriting follows the conventions of english: writing from left to right and from top to the bottom of the page, starting and finishing letters correctly, regularity of size and shape of letters and regularity of spacing letters and words.
The skill of handwriting must be taught. Ideally, all teachers are teachers of writing and therefore assist students on an individual basis in subjects that are not necessarily devoted to the teaching of english. They assist students with advice and guidance on the correct formation of letters, the spacing between letters and words, correct forms of joining and speed and legibility of writing.
Whole class lessons will prove fruitful, but individual guidance must be given where necessary.
It is helpful to provide extra lessons when the joins are being practised.
Seating and posture play an essential part in handwriting. The learner’s chair and table should be at a comfortable height. The table should support the forearm so that it rests lightly on the surface and is parallel to the floor. Children should be encouraged to sit up and not to slouch.
Tables should be free of clutter, and there should be adequate light to allow children to see what they are doing.
Ideally, left-handed students should sit on the left of their partners so that their movement is not restricted.
Assessment is formative, and reinforcement is provided for groups or individuals when the need for improvement is identified.
The speed and appearance of the handwriting will vary according to the task and audience. A fast hand may be used for personal writing, i.e. Note making or brainstorming, and for regular use in school and daily life, provided it is easily legible by other people. ‘best’ writing can be reserved for special occasions when the purpose is to produce aesthetically pleasing work, e.g., labelling and map work or final drafts of compositions.
Learners should understand some technical terms helpful in a discussion about handwriting. These include:
Clockwise, anticlockwise, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, parallel, ascender, descender, consonant, vowel, joined, sloped.
Key progression stages
We expect students in year 2 to begin joining the letters, but it is imperative that they correctly form the letters before this stage.
Students will be writing with a pen in the second term of year 5.
For year 5 onwards, all students are encouraged to write in nelson cursive (joined) script.
Students develop an awareness of the importance of clear, neat presentation to communicate their meaning effectively.
Reading Policy
At karachi grammar school, we believe that competence in reading and a healthy reading habit are critical to independent learning and directly impact children’s progress in learning at school and beyond. Reading opens countless avenues of exploration and sources of knowledge to children. It is central to our ability to understand, interpret and communicate with each other and the world around us. We strive to nurture enthusiastic, independent, and reflective readers with a love of reading and a sense of the importance of reading as a strategic tool for life-long learning and success in the world of work.
To strengthen the reading growth of our learners through skilful guidance, motivation, encouragement and technical assistance.
Teaching approaches and strategies
Reading is taught throughout the whole school and is an integral part of the school day. Learning across the curriculum contributes to the students’ development of language since speaking, listening, writing and reading are, to varying degrees, integral in all lessons.
During lessons, will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of good quality texts (both fiction and nonfiction) and are encouraged to respond and reflect on these. Through shared and guided reading, children will experience good reading and reading discussion models, using various quality texts and sources, including print, media, and ict. Making judgements about what is read and the ability to respond critically to what is significant in a text develops as readers gain experience of a wide variety of texts.
Key reading progression stages
Reading in the nursery section is aimed to develop specific phonic skills through the use of ‘letters and sounds’ through a phonics-first approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling. The teaching is multi-sensory and active, using the wider school environment such as the nursery outdoor area to ensure purposeful learning occurs. Letter sounds are sent home as they are introduced in class to consolidate learning and keep parents/carers up to date on the progress being made in school.
Years 1 and 2
In year 1, the teaching and learning will focus on building the skills learnt in the nursery section, and continuous formative assessment will help target any gaps in phonic knowledge. This will be addressed in class through intervention programmes and supported by individuals or group. Daily reading sessions in classes focus on high order reading skills, including inference, interpretation and integration of information through shared and guided reading.
Years 3 to 6
Students engage with rich literary content. Reading strategies focusing on developing mastery in comprehension skills are of prime importance in the junior section. Students rapidly gain higher-order reading skills through guided, independent, group and reciprocal reading. Students independently use reading strategies to comprehend a range of narrative and expository texts to retrieve key information, derive simple and complex inference, and comment on/evaluate authorial technique. Print/digital dictionaries and thesaurus are extensively used during independent or group reading sessions. Teachers ‘think aloud’ and model and scaffold cognitive reading strategies: decoding, clarifying, visualising, inferring, predicting, synthesising, compare & contrast, evaluating, summarising and questioning.
Years 7 to 9
Students in the middle section read for varying purposes a range of fiction and non-fiction genres. Teacher’s facilitation of reading for meaning using a range of teaching methods and approaches is integral to developing students’ wider reading and reading for enjoyment. Building upon the junior section higher order reading skills, in years 7 to 9, reading strategies are instrumental in stimulating gains in literacy across the curriculum. Applying reading strategies, students derive meaning from conceptually dense texts and search, select and retrieve information, represent literal information, integrate and generate information, evaluate and reflect upon texts read.
Years 10 and 11
Development in reading literacy is considered of prime importance for students in years 10 and 11 as literacy, and learning goals, are found to positively impact their self-esteem, motivation, and attitude towards learning. Reading resources focus on a range of texts from different genres that equip students with the necessary vocabulary, expression and organisational control to cope with the cognitive demands of the array of subjects being studied.
The reading environment and enrichment
Literacy -rich environment is maintained to immerse all students in highly stimulating activities that foster a reading culture across all phases. Some activities can include:
Class reading zones.
Library sessions.
Book tasting.
Author visits.
World book day activities.
School library
Students have access to a broad range of genres in the nursery, junior, middle and college section libraries. Books from a wide range of genres are made available in the school libraries; contemporary to classic authors; fiction and non-fiction texts. Students are encouraged to share their favourite books and authors through feedback sessions, reading reflections and displays in the library.
Shared Values Policy
Karachi grammar school believes that positive human values improve the quality of education in schools; hence, we aim to promote an educational philosophy based on shared values for all our staff and students, providing a sense of direction and vision about creating a stable and just society.
That the school promotes and encourages core values to encompass every stream of a student’s life, in school, at home and in their community:
Cooperation: sharing and learning together. Cooperation is working together in a team, contributing and sharing helpfully.
Achievement: ‘persevere and attaining your best’. Achievement is striving to attain your personal goals, persisting and maximising your effort.
Respect: respect each other and our environment. Respect involves taking responsibility for each other. Respect is speaking to and courteously interacting with others. It is about being honest, reliable and trustworthy.
Humility and empathy: serving the common good. Understanding others and treating them with care and compassion.
Integrity and responsibility: know what to do and what is right. Embrace opportunities to contribute while taking personal responsibility for decisions and consequences.
Values in the curriculum
Values are introduced in assembly time for students to become familiar with and set high expectations and clear boundaries.
Values are integrated into the curriculum. However, section leaders have the flexibility to involve students in value integrated activities on their own, in and outside the classrooms.
Important days and festivals are celebrated to promote values and humane universal ideologies as their core learning outcomes. Students are encouraged to be actively involved in exploring their understanding of values.
At the start of the year, class rules are established with the students, so they take full ownership and responsibility for those.
Opportunities are taken to discuss values throughout the curriculum.
Developing values will take place only when all school staff models them through their behaviour.
A focus on values and students’ needs
For a values focus to be effective, and for the values mentioned above to be meaningful to the students, the staff and leadership of each section understand that the basic needs of students are:
To feel secure and know what the expectations are.
To be valued and have help in developing relationships.
To develop self-awareness and knowledge of the world outside of themselves.
To have creative experiences, including external exploration and internal reflection.
Paramount importance is placed on the aptitude, adaptability and reflective ability of the learner. Throughout a student’s learning journey, karachi grammar school looks to promote the development of the following skills, which contribute to reflective thinking about values:Displaying helpfulness, politeness and good manners to everyone in the school.
Speaking quietly and politely to others.
Listening carefully and thinking about what others are saying.
Empathy and tolerance.
Being able to express feelings constructively, thereby learning to manage emotions and resolve conflicts through discussion, understanding and practise.
Articulating thoughts clearly to enhance communication skills.
Walking quietly about the school building.
Developing positive attitudes toward work and play.
Accepting personal responsibility for actions.
Care and respect for another person’s property.
Learning Enrichment Policy
To provide enrichment and extension to the students’ learning experiences in school.
To improve our students’ learning process by providing a range of extra and co-curricular activities and educational experiences.
There is a range of activities offered which both broadens and enriches the academic and individual learning provided by the school. Some examples of activities are sports, expressive arts, academic clubs and extension, vocational and professional, student voice, publications, working with others, and hobbies.
The range of enrichment activities fulfil a physical, social, cultural, creative and charitable educational role and will raise the personal aspirations of students.
The range of activities offered is of sufficient breadth to appeal to all members of the student body.
Activities are publicised and offered as widely as possible, although some activities and opportunities may be limited to specific age groups.
All extra-curricular activities are planned and operated with due regard to the appropriate health and safety regulations in force, both from internal school guidance and external codes of practice.
Any activities that involve an element of risk are assessed as a result of routine planning, and appropriate measures will be put in place to minimise that risk.
Appropriate police and security checks are carried out regarding non-teaching helpers such as parents, coaches and outside instructors.
School leaders ensure appropriate first aid provisions are in place for each activity both in school and off the premises.
The house system
Karachi grammar school’s house system promotes the integration of students between different classes and sections. Once students enter the school, they join one of the four houses: napier, frere, papworth and streeton. Membership of the house enhances the students’ sense of identity and belonging and creates a spirit of friendly competition, collaboration and cooperation. This friendly rivalry gives ample opportunity to manifest itself in a wide range of inter-house events.
Only a few may represent the school in a team, but every student represents their house, whether in academic, sporting, or enrichment activities. Students earn house points for a range of contributions to school and house life. At the end of the year, the house with the most points receive the ‘cock house’.
The house system makes students feel part of a team. Students are encouraged to develop a sense of pride in their house, working not just for themselves but for others. Charity fund-raising activities are also organised on a house and a school basis, further fostering the concept of a caring community that is central to the aims of karachi grammar school.
The house system also provides an ideal platform for students to develop their leadership skills. A house captain and a deputy house captain (boy and girl), and one house representative (boy or girl) from each section are elected by vote.
Several areas for competitions are identified, and a system of continuous competition among houses is expected to take place throughout the year.
School assemblies
Assemblies aim to create, nurture and sustain a sense of community. They serve to develop a positive school ethos that affirms the school’s identity and aspirations. The result is that the school lives in cohesive harmony that sustains the pursuit of excellence in all its forms.
A school assembly makes a positive contribution to students’ self-development and therefore is at the heart of raising achievements and standards.
Assemblies are developed to encourage students to reflect upon a set of universal values such as love, peace, truth, co-operation and respect.
Assemblies are also crucial for enhancing and reinforcing the learning taking place in class.
A whole section or year group assembly is crucial, as it brings the entire section together to focus upon the week in view of its objectives and the tools used to achieve them.
Special assemblies are held to showcase festivals or significant events in the calendar.
Clubs and societies
Student societies provide numerous opportunities for students to enhance many of their skills.
Societies are formed based on the skills, usually initiated by students at kgs when the societies had been introduced long ago, and children are well aware of the benefits of participating in such activities.
It is necessary to give several teachers charge of student societies (society patrons), and they should encourage students to join the clubs. The accepted number of members to begin a society is seven, but this number can be less where deemed necessary.
The most traditional societies are:
Helpers, cybernetics, debating, art, model united nations, empowerment, drama, entrepreneurial, sound, performing arts, eastern music, einstein, psychology, culinary, film making, photography, journalism, rowing, elocutus, conservation, urdu, chess, scrabble, mathematics, philosophy, robotics and first aid.
Digital Learning Policy
To guide each section to provide an educational experience for each student, which enables them to understand and use new technologies and to be aware of e-safety.
To promote digital learning and digital literacy across the school.
To increase understanding of digital literacy for all staff, parents and guardians
To provide support to staff for the implementation of an inclusive and progressive digital curriculum.
The use of technology is continually increasing and developing in every area of society, and this is only going to continue as our learners grow up. To successfully prepare our students for life, learning and work, we need to ensure we provide them with the skills they will need to be successful. Digital skills need to be taught alongside and embedded throughout the curriculum.
To assist school staff working with students to work responsibly with the internet and other communication technologies and monitor their standards and practice.
Digital learning and digital literacy
As with literacy, numeracy and health & well-being, digital literacy should be placed at the heart of all learning and not limited to the technologies curricular area. Our aim is that learners should experience opportunities to develop their digital literacy across all curricular areas, using a range of digital tools and applications.
Digital learning is described as ‘any type of learning facilitated by technology or that makes effective use of technology’. Digital literacy takes this further by using digital learning and encompassing it throughout life, learning and work. Digital literacy is described as the ability to produce clear information through various forms of communication on a digital platform.
Being digitally literate means that students will be able to do more than just use technology. They will be able to use their digital skills to support and develop their learning throughout the curriculum. It means they’ll have the skills needed to thrive in a digital world.
‘developing digital literacy supports young people to be confident and competent in their use of technology in a way that will enable them to develop their subject knowledge.’ – futurelab (no date).
Karachi grammar school’s digital vision
At kgs, we aim to develop students’ digital capabilities and ensure that they are all given opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills needed for life, learning and work. We aspire to use digital technology to enrich our learning and teaching across all areas of the curriculum. The essential vision is to equip our children and young people with the vital digital skills needed to adapt to our ever-changing technological society.
The vision is to:
Develop the skills and confidence of teachers in the appropriate and effective use of digital technology to support learning and teaching
Improve access to digital technology for all learners at school and home
Ensure that digital technology is a central consideration in all areas of curriculum and assessment delivery
Empower our school team to drive innovation and investment in digital technology for learning and teaching.
Learning and teaching
Our digital technology curriculum document supports teachers in planning progressive, cohesive and engaging programmes of work in the use of digital technologies and through digital technologies to enhance learning in other curricular areas.
Teachers plan and assess learning and teaching in accordance with experiences and outcomes from the curriculum for excellence and with our progression pathways.
Digital technologies are used by teachers to present work, support and enhance learning and teaching, and consolidate and assess all students’ knowledge and skills, with appropriate support and differentiation built in.
Students learning will be supported using a range of digital platforms in three main stages:
Learning how to use specific devices, websites, apps and resources
Students choosing from different digital platforms to research, create and present work
Students choosing how to develop their learning, knowledge, and understanding regarding a particular subject/topic area.
The latest research indicates that students will best develop computer skills and the ability to use these skills if they are learned in the context of whatever they are studying. They are trained to decide what, when and where these skills are to be used. Hence, the digital learning curriculum teaches technological skills in the context of the whole curriculum, so the students work on independent projects using the specialised skills that they have learned.
Structure of the digital learning curriculum
The digital learning curriculum is structured to engage students at two levels: technical and practical. Students should not only learn to use technology (technical aspect), but they should also be able to utilise it in practical terms (e.g. In research, publishing, designing and prediction).
Computing activities integrate a range of technology skills into student learning: word processing, programming, photo editing, animation, video documentaries, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, internet, databases, operating systems, robotics and presentation skills. These computing activities enhance skills in subject areas across the curriculum.
Partnerships and communication
We are committed to enhancing our communication with parents/carers and partner agencies through digital technologies and social media. We aim to reduce paper communication to a minimum. The majority of our information and communication will be through email, social media, the school website and our new school app (available on android and ios devices).
Parents/carers will also be invited to attend various digital development and internet safety workshops and information sessions online and on-campus throughout the school year.
Staff development
All teaching and support staff members are given regular opportunities to develop and enhance their digital knowledge and skills continually. This is done through whole school and additional optional external and internal training events and sharing good practice within the school and across the sections.
The role of the teacher
The teacher’s primary role is to plan activities to integrate technologies meaningfully in the curriculum so that students can use computers in all the subjects to enhance students’ learning. Teachers plan projects based on the curriculum using different technologies with the purpose of meaningful learning.
Responsible use of technology
Karachi grammar school expects students and employees to benefit from new technological resources while remaining within the bounds of safe, legal, and responsible use. Students and employees, therefore, use technological resources responsibly in the following ways:
Respect the intellectual property of others.
Avoid activities that may lead to corporate or criminal liability.
Not to produce or pass on any material that may be offensive or libellous.
Understand that kgs will impose severe penalties, up to and including dismissal, to protect the interests of its technology users and to safeguard the reputation of the school.
Karachi grammar school teachers, technicians, and learners must ensure that any internet materials used for learning and teaching comply with international copyright law.
It is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure that students are taught to be critically aware of the materials they read on the internet and that they are shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.
Computers and networks within the karachi grammar system can provide access to teaching materials on and off-campus – these must be regarded as a privilege and must not be abused.
Misuse of technology
Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to, the activities in the following list:
Giving anyone your username/password(s) or access to any of your kgs computing accounts.
Using a computer account or obtaining a password for a computer account that you are not authorised to use.
Knowingly installing third-party software onto any computer system or network within kgs.
Using copyrighted text, images, sounds or video without proper credit to and permission from the owner.
Deliberately wasting computing resources and supplies.
Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user’s account.
Reading, copying, changing, or deleting another user’s files or software without the owner’s consent.
Using any kgs computing resource to gain unauthorised access to any computer system.
Teachers and students are prohibited from making copies of any programmes stored on any school desktop computer, laptop or server. Only the kgs digital innovation team are authorised to make backup copies of the software for which the school is licensed and only to retain a copy of the software to protect the original data and the original purpose for which kgs purchased the software.
Computer software is protected by international copyright law and is subject to criminal prosecution, including hefty fines and imprisonment.
Online safety
Safety online is an essential part of digital learning. Students need to learn how to keep themselves and others safe. Online safety will remain a priority throughout the school. Students will be made aware of issues related to online safety, sharing personal information, cyberbullying and the safe use of social media.
Teachers will discuss and remind students about online safety during all digital learning opportunities. Digital leaders will promote internet safety through workshops in classes, assemblies and creating posters & displays.
Online safety is a critical feature in the school digital technology progression document, with guidance and resources for teaching internet safety at each stage throughout the school.
Internet and email safety
Responsible use of email and the internet in all four sections and offices is imperative.
It is essential to:
Specify reasonable limitations on use by staff and students and provide procedures for access authorisation.
Have clear protocols for using the internet, inside and outside lessons.
Identify unsuitable sites or materials to which access is unacceptable or prohibited.
Have safeguards to prevent personal information from being inappropriately accessed.
Provide details of filtering systems and monitoring carried out by the school.
Set out procedures to avoid virus contamination.
Provide guidance on respect for copyright or breaches of intellectual property.
Establish e-mail etiquette.
Set out a strategy or policy for what to do if an incident or violation occurs.
Describe disciplinary procedures or sanctions which may be applied in the event of misuse.
E-safety guidelines
Students must be taught:
To stop and think before they click.
To develop a range of strategies to evaluate and verify the information before accepting its accuracy.
To be aware that the author of a web site/page may have a particular bias or purpose and develop skills to recognise what that may be.
To know how to narrow down or refine a search.
To understand how search engines work and to realise that this affects the results they see at the top of the listings.
To understand acceptable behaviour when using an online environment/email, i.e. Be polite, use no foul or abusive language or other inappropriate behaviours, keep personal information private.
To understand how photographs can be manipulated and how web content can attract the wrong sort of attention.
To understand why online ‘friends’ may not be who they say they are and know why they should be careful in online environments.
To understand why they should not post or share detailed accounts of their personal lives, contact information, daily routines, location, photographs and videos, and how to ensure they have turned-on privacy settings.
To understand why they must not post pictures or videos of others without their permission.
To know not to download any files – such as music files – without permission.
To have strategies for dealing with receipt of inappropriate materials.
To understand the impact of online bullying and to know how to seek help if they are affected by any form of online bullying.
Teachers must:
Plan internet use carefully to ensure that it is age-appropriate and supports the learning objectives for specific curriculum areas.
Remind students about their responsibilities through an end-user acceptable use policy which every student will sign, and which will be displayed throughout the school and will also be displayed when a student logs on to the school network.
Ensure that they model safe and responsible behaviour in their use of technology during lessons.
Ensure that when copying materials from the web, students understand plagiarism issues, check copyright, and know that they must respect and acknowledge the copyright and intellectual property rights.
Ensure that students understand the issues around aspects of the commercial use of the internet, mainly, what is age-appropriate, risks with pop-ups, buying online and online gaming/gambling.
Career and College Counselling policy
At karachi grammar school, we aim to provide students with a strong foundation by guiding them through the transition from youth to adult members of society. Successful transitions – whether from the middle section to college section, from o-level to a-level, from school into university – are life-enhancing for every student. We believe that each transition is smooth and enriching for students, which help them to make a wise decision about their higher education goals.
The career counsellors help students discuss their concerns about career and educational choices. They help them figure out who they are and what they want out of education, career, and life.
Individual counselling
One-on-one sessions offered by the career counsellor and head of careers to help students create and implement their career plans and develop a greater sense of self-awareness relevant to the career development process. This includes support for personal essays, support when required for the application forms, and ensuring all necessary documentation and additional (external) tests required for the application are complete.
Career-related workshops
Throughout the academic year, the school arranges a range of interactive workshops to equip students with the needed skills and prepare them for higher education. At times, there will also be opportunities off-campus where it will be the responsibility of the child to attend. Workshops may include:
University application procedure and information about ucas, common app, etc.
Portfolio building (various kinds).
Webinars from universities across the globe.
Professional skills and academic cv development.
Preparing for sat.
Career/university fairs.
Students can meet representatives from universities from pakistan and different countries throughout yearly fairs. These events will occur within school and off-campus and are at times the responsibility of the student to attend without the counsellor. Students, parents and teachers get an opportunity to meet, interact and extract information about different courses across the globe. This aims to increase students’ awareness about international universities within and outside pakistan and their entry requirements, admission process, etc.
Universities presentations.
Different universities visit the school or host webinars to orient students about their universities, the courses and service offered by them. Also, information about eligibility criteria, entrance exams, expenditure and time of application is given to students.
Community service and work experience.
Students are involved in various activities like organising events, volunteering, teaching, etc. That enables them to get an overview of working in a professional environment. Participation in extra-curricular activities such as the model united nations, community service, internships, etc., are also highly encouraged. They have the opportunity to hone their interpersonal skills and put them to good use. This is essential for university applications.
In-house support.
Students are assisted if required in their application for ucas, common application, etc. Personal statements and essay drafts written by the students go through reviewing and proofreading to ensure that they portray the most accurate representation of each student and display the best of them.
Student entitlement.
All students in years 10 to 13 at karachi grammar school are entitled to:
Find out about education qualifications and opportunities as part of our careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer.
Understand how to make applications and be appropriately prepared for the full range of higher education courses.
Policy Group 2
Assessment and Curriculum
Assessment Policy
To ensure the planning and management of assessments are conducted efficiently and in the best interest of students by providing clear guidelines for all teachers and administrative staff.
To gauge and track students’ learning and progress through a combination of class learning, home learning and examinations.
Assessment strategies
At karachi grammar school, a combination of assessment strategies (formative, summative and diagnostic) are used to monitor student progress:
Formative assessment (afl)
Formative assessment is an ongoing process of using various assessment instruments to gauge progress, provide feedback to the student, and use the information to take the learning process forward.
Formative assessment is planned, implemented and assessed by the teachers and takes place in class. It enables the teacher to give students clear, specific and measurable targets and feedback about their achievement/progress. It provides teachers and others with the means of identifying the need for further planning.
Summative assessment (aol)
Summative assessment is based on both external and internal exams, which provide overall evidence of the attainment of a student and her or his knowledge, understanding and skills at a particular stage of the learning process.
Diagnostic assessment
Diagnostic assessment is used to gauge the attainment level of students at the beginning of an academic session. It helps to develop strategies to improve student progress in a focused manner. The information is used as an indicator of a requirement for further resources, targeted intervention programmes and modification in planning.
Assessment guidelines
Nursery to year 2 (kindergarten)
A range of afl strategies is used onsite and online to assess student learning and inform future planning.
Informal diagnostic assessments are conducted at the start of the unit.
A detailed report is generated each term to record each child’s progress concerning the learning outcomes set out in the curriculum.
Year 3 to year 6 (junior)
A range of afl strategies is used onsite and online to assess student learning and inform future planning.
Informal diagnostic assessments are conducted at the start of the unit.
Marked assessments in all subjects across both the term
Examinations in core subjects (english language, urdu & mathematics) at the end of the academic year
Year 7 to year 9 (middle)
Checking for understanding during the learning cycle is an ongoing endeavour at the middle section. It may range from a quick check of understanding to a thorough engagement with concepts taught, i.e., informal and formal formative assessments. The use of visible thinking routines, exit passes, kahoot, quizizz, online science games, questions, discussions, observations, fieldwork, projects throughout the academic year are just some examples – in short, formatively assessing students to inform teaching and learning is embedded in the learning process.
Learning is evaluated at the end of both the first and second terms through examinations. For year 7, examinations are conducted for the two languages, urdu and english, and mathematics and general science at the end of the first term; at the culmination of the second term, all ten subjects are examined. Years 8 and 9 write examinations for all subjects at the end of both terms.
The report book sent to parents twice every academic year contains their child’s achievements on the examinations and formal formative assessments administered through the term.
Year 10 to year 11 (college – o-level)
Formative assessment is planned into every lesson to monitor learning and adjust teaching accordingly. These could incorporate a range of activities, including a class discussion, self-assessment, exit slips, one-sentence summaries, student reflection etc. Formative assessment is done during lesson time throughout the year via several mediums, such as effective questioning techniques, verbal and written quizzes, homework/classroom, assignments, project work and presentations. Teachers also utilise online tools for formative assessment such as google forms, kahoots and jamboard.
Summative assessments are of two kinds: tests and examinations. Tests are held twice in each term and examine students on a few topics that have been completed during that term. At the end of the first term, there are 1.5 hour examinations in all subjects. In the second term, year 10 students have mock examinations in two subjects (pakistan studies and islamiat/bible knowledge) and end of year examinations in eight subjects. Year 11 students have mock examinations based on the caie format in eight subjects in the second term.
Year 12 to year 13 (college – a-level)
Formative assessment is integral to every lesson to monitor learning and adjust teaching accordingly. These could comprise a range of activities including a class discussion, self-assessment, exit slips, one-sentence summaries, student reflection, etc. Formative assessment conducted during lesson time throughout the year via several media, such as effective questioning techniques, verbal and written quizzes, homework/classroom, assignments, project work and presentations. Teachers also utilise online tools for formative assessment such as google forms, kahoots and jamboard.
Summative assessments are of two types: tests and examinations. Tests are held twice in each term and examine students on a few topics that have been completed during that session. At the end of the first term, there are two-hour end of term examinations in all subjects and practical examinations for biology, chemistry and physics for year 12 students. In the second term, year 12 and year 13 students have mock examinations in the five subjects they are studying. Year 13 students have the option of dropping one subject after attaining the as grade in that subject.
Class learning
Class learning includes all class assessments, projects, activities that build a picture of a student’s performance over time. Assessment for and of learning is carried out by teachers based on impressions gained as they observe their students at work in the class and through various activities carried out over time. It encourages the students to work regularly and with focus throughout the year.
Class learning: activities
Regular independent activities are undertaken, which are completed and marked/assessed/observed during class; e.g. Listening and speaking skills, creative writing, short exercises from textbooks, unannounced quizzes or spelling tests, mental maths tests, practical work in science and presentation of research.
Class learning: assessment
Class learning is assessed throughout the term and combines class activities (classwork), written tests, and project work.
The head of section ensures that teachers provide a reasonable balance of topics and allocation of marks. They monitor the schedules of all teachers to ensure balance and even distribution of assessment tasks across subjects and throughout the term.
These marks account for the final class learning percentage for the term.
| Report 1 | PTM 1 | Report 2 | PTM 2 |
Nursery | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
Prep | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
1 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
2 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
3 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
4 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
5 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
6 | December | Ongoing during the term and in December | May | Ongoing during the term
7 | December | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in September/October
| May | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in January/February
8 | December | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in September/October
| May | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in January/February |
9 | December | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in September/October
| May | PTMs are ongoing; Student-led Meetings usually in January/February |
10 | December | PTMs are ongoing and scheduled through the term. A more structured PTM for all parents is held in March.
| May | A structured PTM for all parents is held in March.
11 | December | PTMs are ongoing and scheduled through the term. A more structured PTM for all parents is held in September.
| May | A structured PTM for all parents is held in September.
12 & 13 | December | PTMs are ongoing and scheduled through the term. PTM for Year 13 is held in August and October. The PTM for Year 12 is held in October as they join in September.
| May | A structured PTM for all parents is held in September.
5. Examination schedule
The examinations for Year 4 onwards are held according to the following schedule:
Mid-Year | End of Year | Mock Exams | CAIE Exams | |
4 | – | April/May | – | – |
5 | – | April/May | – | – |
6 | – | April/May | – | – |
7 | December | May | – | – |
8 | December | May | – | – |
9 | December | May | – | – |
10 | December | May | March | April/May |
11 | December | May | March | May/June |
12 & 13 | December | May | March | May/June |
Curriculum Policy
To facilitate coherent progression throughout a student’s learning journey in karachi grammar school.
To ensure that the quality of learning and teaching in kgs classrooms is of the highest international standards.
To provide high-quality education for all karachi grammar school students.
To identify an array of skills and knowledge (learning outcomes) agreed to be essential for all students to attain while being adaptable to each student’s unique educational requirements.
To make clear to teachers what students should know, understand, value and be able to do as a result of their curriculum experiences at increasing levels of complexity as they progress from one class to the next.
To describe the learning outcomes in each kgs stage/subject curriculum and provide the guiding force to the learning and teaching process. (see ‘kgs curriculum 2022’).
Curriculum model: overall subject allocation
Kindergarten Section |
Junior Section |
Middle Section |
College Section |
Science |
Science |
Science |
Biology, Chemistry, Physics |
Mathematics |
Mathematics | Mathematics | Mathematics |
| Additional Mathematics |
| Further Mathematics |
Urdu |
Urdu | Urdu | Urdu |
English |
English |
English |
English Language |
English Literature |
Sociology |
Psychology |
Accounting |
Economics |
Islamiat |
Islamiat |
Islamiat |
Islamiat |
Bible Knowledge |
Bible Knowledge |
Bible Knowledge |
Bible Knowledge |
Social Studies: Geography |
Geography |
World Geography |
Social Studies: History |
History |
World History |
Pakistan Studies: Geography (9) |
Pakistan Studies: Geography |
Pakistan Studies: History (9) |
Pakistan Studies: History |
Art & Design |
Art, Craft & Design |
Art& Design |
Art & Design |
Music & Band |
Music & Band |
Digital Literacy |
Digital Literacy |
Digital Literacy |
Computer Science |
Coding |
Media Studies |
Thinking Skills |
Physical Education |
Physical Education |
Physical Education |
Physical Education |
Swimming |
Swimming |
Library |
Library | Library |
Citizenship |
Citizenship |
Counselling |
2. School on-campus timings
| Monday – Thursday |
| Friday | ||
| ||||
Year group | Start | Finish | Start | Finish | ||
Nursery | 7:50 AM | 12:00 NOON | 7:50 AM | 11:40 AM | ||
Prep | 7:50 AM | 12:00 NOON | 7:50 AM | 11:40 AM | ||
Year 1 | 7:50 AM | 12:00 NOON | 7:50 AM | 11:40 AM | ||
Year 2 | 7:50 AM | 12:00 NOON | 7:50 AM | 11:40 AM | ||
Year 3 | 7:30 AM | 1:15 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 4 | 7:30 AM | 1:15 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 5 | 7:30 AM | 1:15 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 6 | 7:30 AM | 1:15 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 7 | 7:45 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:45 AM | 12:15 PM | ||
Year 8 | 7:45 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:45 AM | 12:15 PM | ||
Year 9 | 7:45 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:45 AM | 12:15 PM | ||
Year 10 | 7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 11 | 7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 12 | 7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON | ||
Year 13 | 7:30 AM | 1:30 PM | 7:30 AM | 12:00 NOON |
Policy Group 3
Behaviour for Learning
Behaviour for Learning Policy
At karachi grammar school, we seek to manage behaviour by providing high-quality learning and teaching that motivates, engages and challenges students thoroughly. Our philosophy is to encourage a high level of motivation and self-discipline in students. We expect all school community members to take personal responsibility for establishing and maintaining a positive and inclusive learning community where mutual respect and well-being are promoted at all times within an environment that is emotionally healthy.
To promote a high level of behaviour and responsibility throughout the school community, which will, in turn, produce the best possible learning environment for our students.
Behaviour for learning
Students need to understand that behaving in specific ways has an intrinsic value and is not just about staying within what might seem an arbitrary set of rules.
The approach of school leaders towards behaviour for learning must allow students to develop character traits such as self-discipline, self-awareness and consideration for others. It should foster more collaboration between staff and students, enabling lessons to be not just orderly but compelling. It can also help students develop in ways that transcend the curriculum, equipping them for life after school.
We can call it the jason millard principle. As a golfer, he famously disqualified himself from the us open because he thought he might have accidentally touched the sand before a bunker shot during the final qualifying round. No one else saw it. We should aspire to teach the same level of self-accountability to children, not merely to have them behave only when the teacher is watching.
A teacher should:
Be definite
‘i know what i want.’
Be aware
‘i know what will happen if i do/do not get what i want.’
Be calm and consistent
‘i am always polite.’
Give the learners structure
‘i know where i am going.’
Be positive
‘you are doing great.’
Be interested
‘you are people as well as students.’
Be flexible
‘i know when to bend rather than break.’
Be persistent
‘i refuse to give up.’
Engage the learners
‘i want them to learn.’
Decisive strategies in the classroom are:
Preventative action – a precise behaviour for learning plan, clear classroom rules, clear expectations, engaging lessons, catering for individuals, appropriate seating plans, identifying and meeting student needs.
Corrective action – tactical ignoring, simple directions, positive reinforcement, question and feedback, rule reminders, blocking and simple choice.
Supportive action – follow-up, re-establishing working relationships, problem-solving, contracting with students, mediation and restorative justice.
An assertive approach to behaviour for learning
Make the rules very clear; do not be ambiguous.
Catch students being “good.”
Recognise and support students when they behave appropriately.
Let students know consistently that their teachers are happy with good behaviour (be specific).
Reward exceptional behaviour.
Make clear what the consequences are for bad behaviour.
Follow through with consequences for breaking the expectations.
This method requires that the teacher fosters an attitude of cooperation and adopts a “take-charge” assertive attitude to elicit that cooperation from students. It also requires that the teacher catches her/his students “being good.” the rules have to be clear and expectations defined from the outset.
Teachers who have developed their voice speak in an assertive yet caring manner that communicates to the students that they “mean what they say and say what they mean.”
Consistency, fairness, and follow-through are essential.
Positive learning behaviours
We expect all learners to:
We expect all learners to: |
| Teachers will promote positive learning behaviours by: |
Actively engage in their learning by listening, questioning, responding & thinking | Modelling and teaching throughout the whole curriculum the required learning behaviours in whole class teaching and group sessions | |
Respect and respond positively to both written and verbal feedback | Recognising and rewarding positive learning behaviours | |
Respond to suggestions about how to improve and develop | Using values themes to explore behaviour for learning | |
Develop resilient attitudes towards their learning | Modelling and teaching students positive ways to deal with differences of opinion or conflict | |
Work with other students cooperatively and respect different opinions | Encouraging students to be polite and assertive in responding to other students | |
Always communicate with other students and adults in a respectful way |
Behaviours that disrupt learning:
Some students will limit or disrupt learning by: |
| Teachers should respond by applying these strategies: |
Not focusing on learning activities | Using non-verbal and verbal cues to re-focus students | |
Taking too long to begin activities | Recognise and reward positive behaviour | |
Inappropriately calling out | Provide a change of activity or a sensory break if required | |
Interfering with or disrupting other learners | Recognise and validate a student’s actions and feelings and ensure that the behaviour which is stopping learning stops that the student takes responsibility for their actions | |
Bringing outside discussions/issues into the classroom |
Recognise and validate a student’s actions and feelings and ensure that the behaviour which is stopping learning stops that the student takes responsibility for their actions
Bringing outside discussions/issues into the classroom
If these strategies do not result in an improvement, a teacher should:
Formally warn the students, ensuring that the word ‘warning’ is used and understood.
Moving the student to a different location in the class.
Provide time out within their class for an appropriate amount of time which is then made up.
Provide time out in another class, which is made up. (section hot seating which must only take place with prior arrangement).
Involve the school leadership team.
Dependent on individual circumstances, it may be necessary to:
Create an individual behaviour plan with students and parents, which will be shared with all staff and reviewed regularly.
Sending a round-robin request to all teachers to clarify whether the behaviour is general across all areas or specific for one or a few subjects.
Provide consequences that are personalised to individual student needs and focus on supporting the student’s needs.
Behaviour around the school, including breaktimes and dispersal
Students to share high expectations for our school by: |
| If these expectations are not met, teachers will: |
Walking quietly around the school | Give a reminder, positively phrased, about what is expected | |
Adhering to school uniform requirements | Give a personalised consequence relevant and proportional to the student’s action | |
Being responsible for belongings and ensure that they are ready to learn | Log behaviour with the relevant year/house tutor | |
Respecting the school community and environment by keeping it tidy | Inform the senior leadership team | |
Showing respect to other students and adults by responding politely | Inform parents/guardians | |
Contributing to the supportive ethos of our school | Provide a structured break time for any student who does not meet these expectations | |
Not physically or verbally hurting others | Individual behaviour plan |
Rewards and consequences:
Teachers will recognise and reward behaviour that meets their expectations through: |
| A personalised response for behaviour that does not meet expectations may include: |
Verbal and non-verbal praise | Continue a learning activity for a limited time during the break | |
Written praise in marking and feedback | Repeat a learning activity | |
House points/certificates/medals/cups | A time-bound community activity, e.g. tidying areas of the school | |
Praise in front of peers and other adults | Structured/supervised breaktimes | |
Praise in assembly | Five minutes cool off – inside or outside | |
Head/Principal awards | The section leadership team can issue green, amber and red reports concerning more serious concerns regarding attendance, attainment and behaviour |
Promoting positive behaviour in our early years (nursery and prep)
Teachers expect all very young learners to: |
| Teachers will promote and support children with these expectations by: |
Play cooperatively, take turns and share. | Recognising, praising and rewarding. | |
Build positive relationships with adults and other children. | Teaching and modelling routines and expectations, e.g. tidying up, Storytime, sharing toys. | |
Listen to and follow instructions given by adults. | Use stories and songs to support teaching and modelling of expectations. | |
Learn to recognise and take responsibility for their feelings and behaviours. | Providing prompts and reminders – visual and verbal – and gradually reduce these prompts over time. | |
Regularly review provision, resources and activities to ensure children are supported to achieve expectations. |
If these expectations are continuously not met, we will give personalised consequences that are appropriate to a child’s level of development and may include: |
· Teachers directing play. · Encourage the child to make amends and comfort if they have hurt another child. · Ensure that the child recognises the inappropriate actions. · Give a clear warning of what consequences will happen if they continue with the behaviour. · Redirect the child from the situation by sitting them in a quiet area. Return in a few minutes to discuss the actions and remind them what behaviour expectations are. · Identify any patterns in space or activity where a child might repeatedly exhibit specific actions – make changes to support the individual child. |
If a child has a pattern of behaviour that causes concern, then: |
Karachi grammar school believes that everyone, whether child or adult, has the right to come to our schools without being subjected to certain behaviours.
The following list outlines our zero tolerances: |
· Abusive behaviour (verbal or physical) towards a student or adult. · Use of, or possession of, drugs/alcohol. · Deliberate damage to property. · Carrying an offensive weapon. |
Karachi grammar school expects all community members to apply this policy consistently, fairly and without prejudice to any student(s) in our schools. Our school must not discriminate against, harass or victimise students because of their gender, race, religion, belief, or disability. For differently abled children, this includes a duty to make a reasonable adjustment to policies and practices.
The head/principal monitors the effectiveness of this policy regularly. The school keeps a variety of behaviour logs, and these are monitored for patterns of incidences.
Behaviour log – for serious breaktime and classroom incidents – kept by all staff.
Exclusions record – to be kept by the head/principal.
Bullying and prejudice related incidents – kept by the head/principal.
Incident follow up
All serious incidents should be appropriately investigated with written accounts taken from all those involved and any witnesses, including staff. (see below for the procedure which must be consistently followed). These will be collated by a member of the senior leadership team. A cover sheet will summarise what happened and any suggestions for follow up or possible consequences. These documents are consulted during meetings with the students and parents.
how to debrief incidents – a restorative justice approach
All our sections should be following the best practice outlined in the restorative justice approach to behaviour management, the principles of which ensure fairness of approach and allowing all sides to have their say. The aim is always to reach an amicable resolution to the problem.
All students should be able to rely on the fact that every incident will be handled using the same approach and the same questions. This consistency prevents students from saying, ‘i was not listened to’ or ‘i tell a teacher, and they do nothing’.
When de-briefing an incident, teachers must ensure that they are talking to the correct children. Students may be moved away from others to avoid unnecessary complication from others. Allow both parties to answer without interruption the following questions (staff should have laminated copies available at all times).
Restorative questions:
What happened?
Has this happened before?
When did this happen?
How are you feeling?
How have you been affected?
Who else has been affected by this?
What needs to happen to make things right again?
The students should come up with the idea of how to move on. A successful resolution would be the students realising what needs to happen, and a strategy is developed for the rest of the break/day.
Follow up to restorative justice or a behaviour incident
Follow up is an essential element of all behaviour. A follow up must be made between both parties later in the break/day to check that harmony is being maintained. If not, then the approach is repeated.
Exclusions – fixed term and permanent
Exclusions will be the last resort after all possible support has been put in place for a student. The school leadership teams must work closely with teachers and parents to meet the needs of any individual at risk of exclusion.
The principal can exclude a student from a section in consultation with the slt. The principal may exclude a student for a fixed period or permanently; however, only the board of governors can consider the appeal of a permanently excluded student.
If a student is given a fixed term exclusion then:
Parents are informed immediately with reasons for the exclusion, which is followed up in writing. For a fixed term exclusion, a return to school meeting is arranged for the student, parents/guardians and the head/principal.
A decision to exclude a student permanently can only be taken:
In response to a serious breach (typically one of the four non-negotiables), or persistent breaches, of the school’s behaviour for learning policy.
When allowing the student to remain in school would seriously harm the education of others or the welfare and safety of the students/adults in the school.
Dealing with allegations against staff
It is imperative that any allegations of abuse (including use of a physical reprimand) made against a teacher or any other member of staff in our sections are dealt with seriously, thoroughly, efficiently and without delay maintaining the highest level of protection for the child whilst also giving support to the person who is the subject of the allegation.
Students with additional educational needs
Sometimes behavioural difficulties in school are an indicator that a student has an additional educational need. These students may require specific behaviour strategies and input or an individual behaviour plan shared with parents.
Bullying is an action taken by one or more children with the deliberate intention of hurting another child, either physically or emotionally. We firmly believe that bullying is wrong and can damage individual children. We endeavour to prevent it by having a school ethos in which bullying is regarded as unacceptable. We aim to produce a safe and secure environment where all can learn without anxiety.
We aim to have a consistent school response to any bullying incidents that may occur. We will make all those connected with karachi grammar school aware of our opposition to bullying. We will also make clear each person’s responsibilities concerning the prevention of bullying in our schools. All issues are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action is taken.
Pro-active measures are in place to help all children deal with the issues surrounding bullying. These are to be delivered through a wide range of strategies in class, with individuals, in groups, and in assemblies.
Responsibilities for the prevention of cyberbullying, including mobile phone texting/messaging
Students are advised on cyberbullying through curricular and assembly activities. Parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss cyber safety and bullying with their child to supplement learning.
Responsibility for behaviour throughout the school
Every opportunity must be afforded to reinforce the positive behaviour for learning policy through the use of resources, planning, teaching, visits and trips. All staff should take responsibility for the promotion of ethical conduct and deal with misbehaviour. Teachers are not just responsible for their class. At any time, staff should provide the opportunity to praise children around the school. Similarly, if they see misbehaviour in any setting it must be challenged; walking by, ignoring it or leaving it for someone else to deal with is tantamount to condoning the behaviour – consistency and clarity from everyone is the key to the policy working.
Rewards for Learning Policy
To appreciate efforts, recognise accomplishments and acknowledge achievements of the students for a healthy competitive environment.
The giving of rewards will encourage all students to achieve. Therefore, they will receive house awards for achievement throughout the school in all contexts.
Giving rewards will help facilitate the awareness of the achievement of individual students among staff and parents.
To set up a broader, more immediate rewards system that is both achievement and target focused.
Rewards increase the motivation of all students, encouraging their self-esteem, aspirations and enjoyment of learning.
The practice of giving helps the school in maintaining and increasing the quality of learning and teaching.
A more flexible, immediate reward culture
Karachi grammar school recognises that students thrive on praise, the thrill of success and the glow of recognition. Praise rewarding the deserving can inspire those who may be struggling and inspire and motivate those who are disenchanted. Finding ways to reward must be at the heart of our teaching.
Teachers must reward whenever possible:
Formally or informally.
Publicly or discretely.
All school leaders must ensure that students of all ability levels in all year groups across the school can benefit from the rewards processes and that there is a consistent application of policy across departments, year groups, and from teacher to teacher.
Rewards must be given sincerely and fairly to acknowledge effort, achievement, or action above and beyond the norm. Rewards are never given as ‘bribery’ (rewarding students for doing what should be usually expected of them).
Rewards systems in all four sections should link into:
- Effort.
- Attainment.
- Progress.
- Behaviour.
- Attendance and punctuality.
- Caring for others.
- Participation.
- Positive attitude/enthusiasm.
We always continue to consult with our students and the school council (student voice) to seek student advice on reward structures, clarify what should be rewarded, and develop further/improve the rewards systems.
A variety of methods of rewards exist at karachi grammar school, which include:
- Verbal praise.
- House points.
- Subject certificates.
- Acknowledgement through assemblies.
- A positive phone call home.
- Public display of high-quality work.
- Speech day.
- Individual subject and class prizes.
House awards and points (see also the learning enrichment policy)
House points reward positive behaviour and recognise high work and achievement standards during enrichment and sports activities.
Day to day rewards
Teachers are encouraged to praise all positive achievements verbally whenever opportunities present themselves.
Teachers should write positive and encouraging comments in planners, exercise books and folders when they are marked.
Displays of work in the classroom and around the school on notice boards and display areas in corridors, reception and the assembly hall.
Recognition in front of a class.
Recognition by the assistant head/head of section/principal.
A congratulatory letter (via email or student post) to parents for students who have shown consistent effort in classwork, both verbal and written and in homework.
Examination performance is taken into account.
Subject postcards for a sustained period of work or other subject contribution.
Students of the month.
Publicity and praise in assemblies for individuals and groups.
Academic Integrity Policy
To facilitate a coherent approach by students to their assignments, assessments and examinations.
This policy aims to create and maintain an environment where students are held and hold each other accountable for becoming ethical users of information and ideas.
Academic integrity involves adhering to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all facets of the learning process.
Academic misconduct is considered a violation of academic integrity, either while acting alone or assisting others. There are six (6) areas listed below that constitute academic misconduct, including examples of each.
Plagiarism can be a form of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is taking credit, whether deliberate or not, for another person’s or source’s (print or non-print) ideas or words, works or processes without proper citation or credit.
Sources do not need to be cited for material that is considered “common knowledge” – that is factual information considered in the “public domain” because it is published in multiple standard reference works. Likewise, when common knowledge is related to a field or speciality, sources may not need to be cited if the information is widely known to people within that field. Because it may be hard to determine what is considered common knowledge, it is a good idea to cite sources or ask your teacher for guidance.
Cooperative learning /group work: because this type of work presents unique learning opportunities, each student must do his/her assigned part promptly, consistent with the teacher’s rubric or timeline. Relying on others to do his/her work because a student fails to complete his/her part on time, either intentionally or not, is considered academic misconduct. The student will be subject to the consequences outlined below. Other members of the group who fully participate and complete their work will not be subject to consequences, including a reduced grade because the student fails to meet his/her part of the group project
Student responsibilities
Students at kgs are committed to learning and practising ethical behaviours when it comes to using information and information technology by:
Completing and submitting their work consistent with teacher guidelines for individual or group work and accepted standards.
Asking for help/clarification early and often if they do not understand an assignment or are experiencing difficulty which may prevent the timely completion of their work.
Reading, signing, and returning a form annually indicating that they and their parents have read and fully understand all parts of the kgs policy on academic integrity.
Procedure if misconduct is suspected
When a teacher or staff member has reason to believe that academic misconduct has occurred, the following procedure will be followed:
The teacher/staff member will investigate the alleged misconduct with the student(s) by providing the student with a written or verbal description of the academic misconduct.
The student has the opportunity to present his/her perspective of the alleged misconduct either verbally or in writing.
The teacher/staff member will communicate the outcome of his/her investigation to the student, head, principal and parent.
If it is determined that misconduct has occurred, the appropriate consequences will be assigned based on the protocol below.
In consultation with the head of section, the teacher may refer the incident to the principal if several students are involved in the infraction and the teacher does not have the capacity to perform a comprehensive investigation or other criteria warrant a broader investigation of the allegation.
Appeal process
If a student or parent wishes to appeal the consequence that is assigned or feels that the outcome/findings is/are unjustified, the student or parent may make a written appeal to the principal.
Drug Related Incidents Policy
This policy aims to:
Outline the roles and responsibilities of key people in applying this policy.
Reinforce and safeguard the health and safety of students and others who use the school.
Make all staff, students, parents/guardians, external agencies and the wider community aware of the school’s approach to drug-related incidents.
Enable staff to manage any incidents that may happen with confidence and consistency and in the best interests of those involved.
Ensure that the response to incidents involving drugs complements the overall approach to drugs education and the values and ethos of the school.
Provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the school in managing incidents involving legal and other unauthorised drugs.
This policy covers the use of medicines, tobacco, alcohol, volatile substances, legal and illegal drugs.
To set out clear guidelines and expectations regarding the handling of drug-related incidents for all stakeholders. We are recognising that this policy is guidance and not designed to suggest a fixed solution but aims to provide a realistic approach for our schools to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of the learning community while responding to the needs of the individual.
The definition of a ‘drug-related incident’
It is ‘the suspicion or evidence of any situational specific event involving the drug’. Any such incident could relate to a student, parent /guardian or staff member. ‘drugs’ refers to all drugs, including medicines, volatile substances, alcohol, tobacco, legal and illegal drugs.
Drug-related incidents could fit into the following categories:
Drugs or associated equipment are found on school grounds.
A student shows, perhaps through actions or play, an inappropriate level of knowledge of drugs for their age
A student is found in possession of unauthorised drugs or associated equipment.
A student is found to be supplying* an unauthorised/on school premises (*within the context of the school drug-related incident policy, the term ‘supply’ may be used to describe: students sharing drugs; students being coerced to supply drugs; a group of friends taking it, in turn, to bring drugs in for their own use; or people selling to others).
A student, parent/guardian, or staff member is thought to be under the influence of drugs.
A staff member has information that the illegitimate sale/supply of drugs is taking place on the school grounds
A student discloses that a family member/friend is using drugs.
A parent/carer discloses a concern about their child’s drug use.
The responsibilities of staff
For direct support within the school about drug education and drug-related incidents, please contact (insert name here) who is the person responsible for managing drug-related incidents. Their role concerning drug incidents is to:
Develop, consult upon, and apply the drug incident related policy.
Provide support information, advice and guidance on drug-related issues within the school.
Liaise with outside agencies about drug-related incidents and drug education
Take the lead responsibility for monitoring and reviewing the drug-related incident policy, as outlined.
Their primary role concerning drugs is:
Overall responsibility for the students.
Overall responsibility for the drug-related incident policy.
Responsibility for managing the response to a drug-related incident.
To make sure that staff are issued with guidance about dealing with drugs and related equipment.
To make sure that staff have access to adequate training to fulfil their duties.
The school must make sure that all staff will have regular training about drug-related incidents.
Child protection and duty of care
The staff within the school must act on the duty of care by contacting the parents (if deemed appropriate) if they believe that any students are at risk of harm due to their involvement with drugs over the drug-related incident.
Responding to drug-related incidents
School staff are best placed to decide on the most appropriate response to tackling drugs within the school.
If a student is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on school premises, the school must prioritise the safety of the young person and those around them. If necessary, the situation should be dealt with as a medical emergency, administering first aid and summoning appropriate support. Depending on the circumstances, parents or the police may need to be contacted.
In all drug-related incidents, an appropriate member of staff should discuss the incident with the student. The following guidance is helpful when interviewing a young person aged 18 or under:
What was taken?
How often?
In what context?
It is widely recognised that the involvement of parents/guardians significantly increases the successful outcomes for children and young people misusing drugs. Therefore, the head/principal may wish to ensure parents/guardians are informed, involved and supported throughout the process.
To enable the head/principal to manage an incident internally, they will also need to consider:
How has the student come into possession of the substance?
From whom?
How long have they been using the substance?
What do they believe the drug to be?
What support does the student or family need from school and local agencies?
Responding to the needs of the student
Any response to drug-related incidents needs to balance the needs of the individual students concerned with the broader school community. The school will need to consider a range of responses and follow its disciplinary procedures.
Fixed term exclusion should not be the automatic response to a drug-related incident, and permanent exclusion should be the last resort, used only in severe cases. The head/principal must seek advice from the board of governors before making that decision.
The school sanctions may include:
- Behaviour support.
- Counselling.
- Brief intervention.
- Targeted prevention.
- Specialist treatment.
- Fixed term exclusion.
The school will monitor the outcomes of any support offered to students. Drug use can be a symptom of other problems, and the school should be ready to involve or refer students to other external agencies if needed.
If the school identifies that the young person may have additional needs to be addressed, an ‘early help assessment’ may be useful to assess this further.
Early intervention
The school can have a crucial role in identifying students at risk of drug misuse. The process of identifying needs should aim to distinguish between students who require general information and education, those who could benefit from targeted prevention, and those who require a detailed needs assessment and more intensive support.
Policy Group 4
School Community Welfare
Mental Health and Well-being Policy
The policy aims to:
Promote positive mental health and well-being in all students and staff
Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues
Alert staff to early warning signs of poor mental health and well-being
Provide support to staff working with young people with mental health and well-being issues
Provide support to students suffering mental ill health and their peers and parents/carers
Promote physical activity and resilience.
This policy describes the school’s approach to promoting positive mental health and well-being. It is intended as guidance for all staff, including non-teaching staff and governors.
Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the everyday stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to her or his community.
(world health organization).
Lead members of staff
- Whilst all staff have a responsibility to promote the mental health of students, along with the principal and heads, staff with a specific, relevant remit include:
- Designated child protection officer / safeguarding lead (dsl).
- Mental health and emotional well-being lead / wellness counsellor.
- Nurse.
- Assistant head, house / year tutors.
- Cpd lead.
- Any staff member who is concerned about the mental health or well-being of a student should speak to the mental health lead in the first instance. Suppose there is a fear that the student is in danger of immediate harm. In that case, the standard child protection procedures should be followed with a direct referral to the designated child protection office staff or the head. If the student presents a medical emergency, then the routine procedures for medical emergencies should be followed, including alerting the first aid staff and contacting the emergency services if necessary.
Individual care plans
- It is helpful to draw up an individual care plan for a student causing concern or who receives a diagnosis pertaining to their mental health. This should be drawn up involving the student, the parents and relevant health professionals. This can include:
- Details of a student’s condition.
- Special requirements and precautions.
- Medication and any side effects.
- What to do, and who to contact in an emergency.
- The role the school can play.
Teaching about mental health and well-being
The skills, knowledge and understanding needed by our students to keep themselves and others physically and mentally healthy and safe must be included as part of our curriculum.
The specific content of lessons will be determined by the particular needs of the cohort we’re teaching. Still, there will always be an emphasis on enabling students to develop the skills, knowledge, understanding, language and confidence to seek help, as needed, for themselves or others. The school must always ensure that we teach mental health and emotional well-being issues safely and sensitively, which helps rather than harms.
We will display relevant sources of support in communal areas and washrooms and will regularly highlight sources of support to students within relevant parts of the curriculum. Whenever we highlight sources of support, we will increase the chance of learner help-seeking by ensuring students understand:
What help is available?
Who is it aimed at?
How to access it?
Why access it?
What is likely to happen next?
Warning signs
School staff may become aware of warning signs which indicate a student is experiencing a mental health or emotional well-being issue. These warning signs should always be taken seriously, and staff observing any of these warning signs should communicate their concerns with our mental health and emotional well-being lead.
Possible warning signs include:
- Physical signs of harm that are repeated or appear non-accidental.
- Increased isolation from friends or family, becoming socially withdrawn.
- Changes in activity and mood.
- Lowering of academic achievement.
- Talking or joking about self-harm or suicide.
- Abusing drugs or alcohol.
- Expressing feelings of failure, uselessness or loss of hope.
- Changes in clothing, e.g. Long sleeves in warm weather.
- Secretive behaviour.
- Skipping pe or getting changed secretively.
- Lateness to or absence from school.
- Repeated physical pain or nausea with no evident cause.
- An increase in lateness or absenteeism.
Managing disclosures
A student may choose to disclose concerns about themselves or a friend to any member of staff, so all staff need to know how to respond appropriately to a disclosure. If a student chooses to disclose concerns about their own mental health or that of a friend to a staff member, the member of staff’s response should always be calm, supportive and non-judgemental.
Staff should listen rather than advise, and our first thoughts should be of the student’s emotional and physical safety rather than exploring ‘why?’.
All disclosures should be recorded in writing and held on the student’s confidential file. This written record should include:
- Date.
- The name of the member of staff to whom the disclosure was made.
- Main points from the conversation.
- Agreed next steps.
- This information should be shared with the mental health lead, who will store the record appropriately and offer support and advice about the next steps.
We should be honest with regards to the issue of confidentiality. If we deem it is necessary to pass our concerns about a student, then we should discuss with the student:
Who we are going to talk to.
What we are going to tell them.
Why we need to tell them.
We should never share information about a student without first telling them. Ideally, we would receive their consent, though there are certain situations when information must always be shared with another member of staff and/or parent, particularly if a student is in danger of harm.
It is always advisable to share disclosures with a colleague, usually the mental health and emotional well-being lead. This helps to safeguard our emotional well-being as we are no longer solely responsible for the student. It ensures continuity of care in our absence and provides an additional source of ideas and support. We should explain this to the student and discuss who it would be most appropriate and helpful to share this information with.
Parents should be informed if there are concerns about their mental health and well-being, and students may choose to tell their parents themselves. If this is the case, the student should be given 24 hours to share this information before the school contacts parents. We should always give students the option of us informing parents for them or with them.
If a student gives us reason to believe that there may be underlying child protection issues, parents should not be informed, but the child protection office must be notified immediately.
Working with parents
- Where it is deemed appropriate to inform parents, we need to be sensitive in our approach. Before disclosing to parents, we should consider the following questions (on a case-by-case basis):
- Can the meeting happen face to face? This is preferable.
- Where should the meeting happen? At school, at their home or somewhere neutral?
- Who should be present? Consider parents, the student, other members of staff.
- What are the aims of the meeting?
- It can be shocking and upsetting for parents to learn of their daughter/son’s issues, and many may respond with anger, fear or upset during the first conversation. We should be accepting of this (within reason) and give the parent time to reflect.
- We should always highlight additional sources of information and give them leaflets to take away where possible, as they will often find it hard to take much in whilst coming to terms with the news you’re sharing. Sharing sources of further support aimed specifically at parents can be helpful too, e.g. Parent helplines and forums.
- We should always provide clear means of contacting us with further questions and considering booking in a follow-up meeting or phone call right away. Parents often have many questions as they process the information. Finish each meeting with the agreed next steps and always keep a brief record of the meeting on the student’s confidential record.
Parents are often very welcoming of support and information from the school about supporting their children’s emotional and mental health. To support parents, we will:
Highlight sources of information and support about common mental health issues on our school website.
Ensure that all parents are aware of who to talk to and how to get about this if they have concerns about their child or a friend of their child.
Make our mental health policy easily accessible to parents.
Share ideas about how parents can support positive mental health in their children through our regular information evenings.
Keep parents informed about the mental health topics their children are learning about in pshe and share ideas for extending and exploring this learning at home.
Supporting peers
- When a student is suffering from mental health issues, it can be a difficult time for their friends. Friends often want to support but do not know how. In the case of self-harm or eating disorders, it is possible that friends may learn unhealthy coping mechanisms from each other. To keep peers safe, we will consider on a case by case basis which friends may need additional support. Support will be provided either in one to one or group settings and will be guided by conversations by the student who is suffering and their parents with whom we will discuss:
- What it is helpful for friends to know and what they should not be told.
- How friends can best support.
- Things friends should avoid doing/saying which may inadvertently cause upset.
- Warning signs that their friend requires help (e.g. Signs of relapse).
- Additionally, we will want to highlight with peers:
- Where and how to access support for themselves.
- Safe sources of further information about their friend’s condition.
- Healthy ways of coping with the complex emotions they may be feeling.
- As a minimum, all staff will receive regular training about recognising and responding to mental health issues as part of their regular child protection training to enable them to keep students safe.
- Training opportunities for staff who require more in-depth knowledge will be considered as part of our performance management process, and additional cpd will be supported throughout the year where it becomes appropriate due to developing situations with one or more students.
- Suggestions for individual, group or whole school cpd should be discussed with our cpd coordinator, who can also highlight sources of relevant training and support for individuals as needed.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
The policy aims to:
Support students who may have been or are at risk of being abused or neglected in any way.
Increase staff awareness of responding sensitively to child protection concerns.
Ensure that all students are safe and treated with respect.
To recognise that it is the school’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. Children who are and feel safe make more successful learners.
To ensure that the whole school community of students, parents, guardians, staff and governors will be involved in policy development and review.
To recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.
To endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students are respected and valued.
That all school community members are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.
Good practice guidelines
- To meet and maintain our responsibilities towards children, the school community agrees to the following standards of good practice:
- Treating each other with respect.
- Setting an excellent example by conducting ourselves appropriately.
- Involving students in decision-making which affects them.
- Encouraging positive and safe behaviour among all stakeholders.
- Being a good listener.
- Being alert to changes in a child’s behaviour.
- Recognising that challenging behaviour may be an indicator of abuse.
- Reading and understanding all of the school’s safeguarding and guidance documents on wider safeguarding issues, for example, bullying, safer environment and e-safety.
- Asking the child’s or parent’s permission before doing anything for them which is of a physical nature such as assisting with dressing, physical support during pe or administering first aid.
- Maintaining appropriate standards of conversation and interaction with and between children and avoiding the use of sexualised or derogatory language.
Abuse of trust
All school staff are aware that inappropriate behaviour towards students is unacceptable and that their conduct towards all children must be beyond reproach.
Support for those involved in a child protection issue
Child neglect and abuse are devastating for the child and can also result in distress and anxiety for staff involved. We will support the children and their families and staff by:
- Taking all suspicions and disclosures seriously.
- Nominating a link person (usually the principal or head) who will keep all parties informed and be the central point of contact.
- Where a member of staff is the subject of an allegation made by a student, a separate link person, acceptable to both parties, will be nominated to avoid any conflict of interest (see reporting harassment policy).
- Responding sympathetically to any request from a student or member of staff for time out to deal with distress or anxiety.
- Maintaining confidentiality and sharing information on a need-to-know basis only with relevant individuals and agencies.
- Storing records securely.
- Offering details of counselling or other avenues of internal or external support.
- Following the procedures laid down in our reporting harassment policy.
Complaints procedure in respect of poor practice behaviour
- Our complaints procedure will be followed where a student or parent raises a concern about poor practice towards a child that initially does not reach the threshold for child protection action. Poor practice examples include unfairly singling out a child, using sarcasm or humiliation as a form of control, bullying or belittling a child or discriminating against them in some way.
- Complaints are managed by the slt and the board of governors. Complaints from staff are dealt with under the school’s reporting harassment policy.
- If an allegation is made against a teacher, all unnecessary delays should be eradicated. The school must not undertake its investigations of allegations without prior consultation with the board of governors.
- All allegations are to be reported straight away to the principal or head of section or, if the allegation is against the principal, to the chair of governors.
- The senior leadership team or board of governors must meet to discuss the allegation, consider the nature, content and context of the allegation and agree on a course of action.
Discussions should be recorded in writing, and arrangements for communication with both the individual and the parents of the student/students agreed. Whether the circumstances of the case warrant suspension or whether alternative arrangements should be put in place must be carefully considered.
Ceasing to use a person’s services includes dismissal or non-renewal of a fixed-term contract.
Staff training
All staff must have the training to recognise the possible signs of harassment, abuse or neglect, and know what to do if they have a concern. New staff and governors will receive training during their induction. All staff, including the principal and members of the board of governors, will receive training.
Safer recruitment
Karachi grammar school endeavours to ensure that we do our utmost to employ ‘safe’ staff by following agreed guidance.
- The principal is required to ask staff for necessary certification in this area. Safer recruitment means that all applicants will:
- Complete an application form.
- Provide two referees, including at least one who can comment on the applicant’s suitability to work with children
- Provide evidence of identity and qualifications.
- Be security checked before taking up the post.
Be interviewed.
All new members of staff will undergo an induction that includes familiarisation with the school’s safeguarding and child protection policy and identification of their own safeguarding and child protection training needs. All staff sign to confirm they have received a copy of the policy handbook.
Training includes the staff code of ethical behaviour and the identity of the designated persons. Training takes place before teaching starts.
All employees of the school and other professionals who regularly work alongside children must have security clearance.
Management of safeguarding
The elected governor for child protection, the principal and heads are responsible for child protection matters. The primary responsibility is to maintain an overview of safeguarding within the school and monitor the effectiveness of policies and procedures in practice.
It is the staff’s professional duty to report welfare and safeguarding concerns to the designated safeguarding lead.
Photography and images
The vast majority of people who take or view photographs or videos of children do so for entirely innocent, understandable and acceptable reasons. Sadly, some people abuse children by taking or using images, so we must ensure that we have some safeguards in place. To protect our students, we will:
- Seek parental consent for photographs to be taken or published (for example, on our website or in newspapers or publications).
- Use only the student’s first name with an image.
- Ensure that students are appropriately dressed.
- Encourage students to tell us if they are worried about any photographs that are taken of them.
- Remind large gatherings of parents that they are responsible for the images they take, and they are not to upload these images to any social media.
- Parents need to take permission from the slt before taking pictures of students partaking in pe lesson, sports activities, swimming pool sessions and assembly etc.
Most of our students will use mobile phones and computers at some time. We acknowledge that many students have unlimited access to 3g, 4g and 5g networks. They are a source of fun, entertainment, communication and education. However, we know that some people will use these technologies to harm children. The harm might range from sending hurtful or abusive texts and emails to enticing children to engage in sexually harmful conversations, webcam photography or face-to-face meetings.
Cyberbullying by children via texts and emails will be treated as seriously as any other type of bullying and managed through our ‘behaviour of learning’ policy.
Chat rooms and social networking sites are the more prominent sources of inappropriate and harmful behaviour, and students are not allowed to access these sites whilst in school. Some students will undoubtedly be chatting on mobiles or social networking sites at home. The school will make every effort to educate students about the associated risks of this behaviour.
Peer-on-peer abuse
Peer-on-peer abuse is any form of physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse and coercive control exercised between children and within children’s relationships. All staff should recognise that students are capable of abusing their peers. Peer-on-peer abuse can take various forms, including serious bullying and cyberbullying. These types of abuse rarely take place in isolation.
What to look out for
All staff should be alert to the well-being of students and signs of harassment/abuse and should engage with these signs, as appropriate, to determine whether they are caused by peer-on-peer abuse. However, staff should be mindful that the way(s) in which students will disclose or present with behaviour(s) due to their experiences will differ.
Signs that a child may be suffering from peer-on-peer abuse can also overlap with those indicating other types of abuse and can include:
- Failing to attend school, disengaging from classes or struggling to carry out school-related tasks to the standard ordinarily expected.
- Physical injuries.
- Experiencing difficulties with mental health and/or emotional well-being.
- Becoming withdrawn and/or shy; experiencing headaches, stomach aches, anxiety and/or panic attacks; suffering from nightmares or lack of sleep or sleeping too much.
- Broader changes in behaviour, including alcohol or substance misuse.
- Changes in appearance and/or starting to act in a way that is not appropriate for the child’s age.
- Abusive behaviour towards others.
- Abuse affects children very differently. The above list is by no means exhaustive, and the presence of one or more of these signs does not necessarily indicate abuse. The behaviour that children present with will depend on their particular circumstances. Rather than checking behaviour against a list, staff should be alert to behaviour that might cause concerns, to think about what the behaviour might signify, to encourage students to share with them any underlying reasons for their behaviour, and, where appropriate, to engage with their parents/carers so that the cause(s) of their behaviour can be investigated. Where a student exhibits any behaviour that is out of character or abnormal for his/her age, staff should always consider whether an underlying concern is contributing to their behaviour (for example, whether the student is being harmed or abused by their peers) and, if so, what the concern is and how the student can be supported going forwards.
What to do if there is a concern
If it is a minor concern, such as if a student is often tired in lessons, the teacher should speak to the parents and monitor improvements and changes of the situation and inform the head. If it is a more serious concern or issue, the teacher must speak to the head of section before taking any action. The head will talk to the student and find out the circumstances. Parents need to be informed, and the relevant staff will attend the meeting together with the teacher if there is a serious concern.
Taking action
Key points to remember for taking action are:
In an emergency, take action necessary to help the student.
Report your concern to the head of section by the end of the day.
If the head or assistant head are not around, ensure the information is shared with the most senior person in the school that day.
Do not start your own investigation alone.
Share information on a need-to-know basis only – do not discuss the issue with colleagues, friends or family.
Complete a welfare concern form.
Seek support for yourself if you are distressed.
If you suspect a student is at risk of harassment/harm
There will be occasions when you suspect that a student may be at serious risk, but you have no ‘real’ evidence. The student’s behaviour may have changed, their artwork could be bizarre, or you may have noticed other physical but inconclusive signs. In these circumstances, you should try to give the student the opportunity to talk. The signs you have noticed may be due to various factors, and it is acceptable to ask the child if they are alright or if you can help in any way. Use the welfare concern form to record these early concerns. If the student does begin to reveal that they are being harassed/harmed, you should discuss your concerns with the designated child protection officer.
Student disclosure
It takes a lot of courage for a student to disclose that they are being harassed and/or abused. They may feel ashamed, or their harasser/abuser may have threatened what will happen if they tell; they may have lost all trust in adults; or they may believe or have been told that the abuse is their fault.
Staff are informed that every adult working within the school must respect the need for confidentiality within the school. Teachers should refrain from discussing personal matter or behaviour of a student or other staff member openly without their consent. Staff members are advised to comply with these regulations at all times – including break times and outside school. Possible concerns should be discussed in a professional setting with the house tutor/assistant head/head of section/principal, who will liaise with the nominated safeguarding and child protection governor.
Staff should never guarantee confidentiality to a student if the student discloses something. Staff are also advised not to ask or lead any questions but to listen to the child and inform them that someone is coming to talk to them. This is to be done with care and sensitivity. This information is reported to the head of the section and the person responsible for child protection concerns.
Generally, there is an obligation in schools to speak to the parents about the situation. The only exception to this is when there is immediate danger from the parents, which could worsen the child’s situation.
Safe school – safe staff
Karachi grammar school offers the following advice to staff:
Avoid physical contact with students where possible.
When working in a one-to-one situation with a student, be in the view of another responsible adult or in a room with a door directly open to view.
Only communicate with students via sanctioned means, and avoid all contact with students outside the school context.
Report to a senior member of staff if a student attempts to make personal contact outside of school.
Report to a senior member of staff if a student shows any sign of becoming overly fixated with the responsible adult or another colleague.
Not to make gifts to students or their families, which could be interpreted as a gesture to bribe or groom. Exercise care when selecting students for or excluding students from activities to avoid any perception of favouritism or injustice.
Any discussions about sexual matters, of whatever nature, will only be discussed in a formal teaching situation such as a science lesson and never on a one-to-one basis.
Notifying parents/guardians
The school will typically seek to discuss any concerns about a student with their parents. This must be handled sensitively, and the head will contact the parent in the event of a concern, suspicion or disclosure. However, if the school believes that notifying parents could increase the risk to the child or exacerbate the problem, then advice will first be sought from the principal.
Policy group 4: school community welfare
4.3 anti-bullying policy (anti-bullying and anti-harassment – students)
Karachi grammar school is committed to a safe learning environment, free from all forms of bullying and harassment, where community members treat one another with respect. Our anti-bullying policy is central to these efforts. It is designed to promote learning, eliminate all forms of violent, harmful, and disruptive behaviour and enable students to achieve their personal and academic potential.
Our purpose in this area is:
To provide a safe, secure environment for all students
To encourage an atmosphere of respect for each member of our community
To create a supportive climate and break down any code of secrecy
To counter, and if possible, eliminate, any idea that bullying is inevitably part of school life
To work within an agreed set of procedures
To involve the whole staff and the students in eradicating bullying.
Bullying and harassment are anti-social behaviour that affects everyone; it is unacceptable and is not tolerated at any section at karachi grammar school.
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour that is repeated over some time. An unwarranted expression of aggression via verbal, electronic, written or physical communication towards an individual and/or group by an individual and/or group. Bullying puts the student(s) at a reasonable risk of harm. It causes emotional distress, which hampers the student’s ability to benefit from his/her education due to creating a hostile environment. It may be a single significant incident or pattern of behaviour based on the individual’s race, colour, ethnicity, disability, religious background, gender or any other marker of association with a larger social group. It typically involves an imbalance of power perpetuated by either party’s social associations. Also prohibited by this policy is cyberbullying, a form of bullying conducted through phones, computers, email, instant messaging, text messaging, social media and other electronic media.
Harassment is defined as written, verbal or physical conduct that adversely affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the school’s educational programs or activities or causes an overall impairment of the student’s morale because the conduct is so severe or persistent or pervasive. This may include conduct based on a student’s actual or perceived race, colour, national origin, gender, disability or expression, religion, or other distinguishing characteristics. This also includes association with a person or group with one or more of the abovementioned characteristics, whether actual or perceived. Any behaviour which creates an intimidating or hostile environment for a student qualifies as harassment.
Sexual harassment
The behaviour may qualify as sexual harassment if it involves a sexual connotation through words, actions, photographs or other written or electronic communication which was makes the complainant feel uncomfortable or threatened.
This includes:
(i) uttering any word, making any sound or gesture, or exhibiting any object, intending to insult or humiliate a student and intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such student, or intruding upon the privacy of such student.
(ii) conducting sexual advances, or demanding sexual favours or using written or verbal communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature which intends to annoy, insult, intimidate or threaten the other person or committing such acts at the premises of the workplace, or making submission to such conduct either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or making submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual as a basis for employment decision affecting such individual, or retaliating because of rejection of such behaviour, or conducting such behaviour with the intention of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
The main types of bullying and harassment include:
- Physical (hitting, kicking, theft).
- Verbal (name calling, sarcasm, personal comments).
- Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups).
- Cyber (using text messages and social networking sites).
- Prejudiced bullying (any of the above with an element of sexism, racism, or any other prejudice/discrimination)
- Sexual (verbally or physically).
Professional duty
Karachi grammar school recognises the professional duty placed upon the principal/heads to draw up procedures, per this policy, to prevent bullying and harassment among students and teachers and to bring these procedures to the attention of staff, parents and students. (see the reporting harassment policy).
Signs of bullying
- Students who are being bullied may show changes in behaviour, such as becoming shy and nervous, feigning illness, taking unusual absences or clinging to adults. There may be evidence of changes in work patterns, lacking concentration or truanting from school. Students are encouraged to report bullying in their respective sections.
- Teachers and all adults working in the school must be alert to the signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it.
- Staff are made aware of the signs of bullying as part of annual training, as well as through the policy handbook.
- Sometimes the symptoms of bullying will present themselves at home. Parents are, therefore, made aware of the signs of bullying at information evenings and through our website and will be encouraged to speak to the principal/head if they have any concerns about their child.
Preventing bullying
Karachi grammar school takes a proactive approach to prevent bullying through a range of strategies that include (but are not limited to) the following:
Emphasising the importance and nature of respect through the house system, assemblies and other systems.
- Holding team building activities at the start of and throughout the year to build a sense of community in which we value and care for each other.
- Raising awareness of the nature of bullying through cross-curricular strands.
- The senior leadership team works with individuals and groups of students to build positive relationships and rebuild relationships after conflict.
- Anti-bullying assemblies are held.
- Receiving feedback from students about bullying procedures and student safety through the step forms.
- A zero tolerance approach to bullying to be adhered to so every teacher is absolutely clear and duty bound to follow the procedures laid out.
Identifying bullying
Karachi grammar school will operate various appropriate reporting and detection systems to proactively and promptly detect bullying. Students will have access to a ‘bullying box’ situated in the section offices and regularly checked by the heads/principal. Students also have daily contact with their class teachers/house tutors, enabling every student to have an adult in school to talk to and raise concerns.
Dealing with bullying
The students involved in all bullying incidents are encouraged to talk issues over with the aid of a mediator (usually a teaching member of staff or senior leader) and find a way forward to end the cycle of bullying and complaints. This strategy seems to be more effective when students who are friends fall out but could be less effective at resolving full-scale bullying.
Although mediation can be successful in some cases, others have expressed concerns that victims of bullying may be making themselves vulnerable when discussing their feelings. When using this method, we should seriously consider the mediator’s skills and the capacity of staff to carry out follow-up work and ensure positive behaviour continues after the end of the sessions. The school provides opportunities for counselling to the ‘bully’ and the family so that the cycle ends there and the problem is addressed at the root.
If bullying is suspected or reported, the member of staff who has been approached deals with it immediately; steps are taken to support and respond to the needs of both bullied and bullying students.
- Parents and carers are informed of the situation. They are asked to be vigilant, particularly over their students’ interactions online.
- Parents have the right to contact the cyber crime unit for cyberbullying as this has happened outside of school. However, such incidents will also be investigated and dealt with internally as well.
- The school can involve the cyber crime unit for serious incidents that occur on the school premises. The school will also fully support an external investigation into incidents of bullying.
- Students who report bullying should be supported by:
Offering them an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff with whom they are comfortable.
Reassurance from a member of staff as to how seriously the school takes bullying.
Support from all staff in restoring self-esteem and confidence. - A clear account of the incident is recorded.
- Members of the senior leadership team will interview all concerned and keep records of all interviews in the students’ files.
- Teachers, assistant heads, heads of section and other staff involved with both the victim and alleged bully will be kept fully informed.
The slt will be responsible for deciding on an appropriate strategy that may include:
- Counselling (or similar) to support the victim.
- Sanctions for the bully (in line with the school’s behaviour for learning policy).
- Restorative strategies to repair the relationship.
- Behavioural interventions to prevent future bullying incidents, such as anger management and counselling for the bully.
- Contacting relevant professionals, e.g. The school wellness counsellor or external agencies.
Role of all stakeholders
Our staff will:
- Foster in our students’ self-esteem, self-respect and respect for others.
- Demonstrate by example the high standards of personal and social behaviour we expect of our students.
- Discuss bullying with all classes so that every student learns about the damage it causes to both the child who is bullied and to the bully and the importance of telling a teacher about bullying when it happens.
- Be alert to signs of distress and other possible indications of bullying.
- Listen to children who have been bullied, take what they say seriously and act to support and protect them.
- Report suspected cases of bullying to the assistant heads or the heads, or the principal.
- Follow up any complaint by a parent about bullying, and report back promptly and thoroughly on the action taken.
- Deal with observed instances of bullying promptly and effectively, in keeping with the agreed procedures.
We expect our students to:
Refrain from becoming involved in any bullying, even at the risk of incurring temporary unpopularity.
Report to a member of staff any witnessed or suspected instances of bullying.
We ask our parents to support their children and the school by:
- Watching for signs of distress or unusual behaviour in their children, which might be evidence of bullying.
- Advising their children to report any bullying to a member of staff and explain the implications of allowing the bullying to continue unchecked for themselves and other students.
- Advising their children not to retaliate violently to any forms of bullying.
- Being sympathetic and supportive towards their children and reassuring them that appropriate action will be taken.
- Keep a written record of any reported instances of bullying.
- Informing the school of any suspected bullying, even if their children are not involved.
- Co-operating with the school if their children are accused of bullying.
The responsibilities of all – everyone should:
Work together to combat and, hopefully, in time, eradicate bullying.
Continuous professional development of staff
All staff will receive training each july/august as part of the annual staff induction cycle. Restorative justice training for all teachers to facilitate a sustainable, consistent approach in all sections.
Anti-bullying Policy (anti-bullying and anti-harassment - students)
Karachi grammar school is committed to a safe learning environment, free from all forms of bullying and harassment, where community members treat one another with respect. Our anti-bullying policy is central to these efforts. It is designed to promote learning, eliminate all forms of violent, harmful, and disruptive behaviour and enable students to achieve their personal and academic potential.
Our purpose in this area is:
To provide a safe, secure environment for all students
To encourage an atmosphere of respect for each member of our community
To create a supportive climate and break down any code of secrecy
To counter, and if possible, eliminate, any idea that bullying is inevitably part of school life
To work within an agreed set of procedures
To involve the whole staff and the students in eradicating bullying.
Bullying and harassment are anti-social behaviour that affects everyone; it is unacceptable and is not tolerated at any section at karachi grammar school.
Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour that is repeated over some time. An unwarranted expression of aggression via verbal, electronic, written or physical communication towards an individual and/or group by an individual and/or group. Bullying puts the student(s) at a reasonable risk of harm. It causes emotional distress, which hampers the student’s ability to benefit from his/her education due to creating a hostile environment. It may be a single significant incident or pattern of behaviour based on the individual’s race, colour, ethnicity, disability, religious background, gender or any other marker of association with a larger social group. It typically involves an imbalance of power perpetuated by either party’s social associations. Also prohibited by this policy is cyberbullying, a form of bullying conducted through phones, computers, email, instant messaging, text messaging, social media and other electronic media.
Harassment is defined as written, verbal or physical conduct that adversely affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the school’s educational programs or activities or causes an overall impairment of the student’s morale because the conduct is so severe or persistent or pervasive. This may include conduct based on a student’s actual or perceived race, colour, national origin, gender, disability or expression, religion, or other distinguishing characteristics. This also includes association with a person or group with one or more of the abovementioned characteristics, whether actual or perceived. Any behaviour which creates an intimidating or hostile environment for a student qualifies as harassment.
Sexual harassment
The behaviour may qualify as sexual harassment if it involves a sexual connotation through words, actions, photographs or other written or electronic communication which was makes the complainant feel uncomfortable or threatened.
This includes:
(i) uttering any word, making any sound or gesture, or exhibiting any object, intending to insult or humiliate a student and intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such student, or intruding upon the privacy of such student.
(ii) conducting sexual advances, or demanding sexual favours or using written or verbal communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature which intends to annoy, insult, intimidate or threaten the other person or committing such acts at the premises of the workplace, or making submission to such conduct either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or making submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual as a basis for employment decision affecting such individual, or retaliating because of rejection of such behaviour, or conducting such behaviour with the intention of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
The main types of bullying and harassment include:
- Physical (hitting, kicking, theft).
- Verbal (name calling, sarcasm, personal comments).
- Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups).
- Cyber (using text messages and social networking sites).
- Prejudiced bullying (any of the above with an element of sexism, racism, or any other prejudice/discrimination)
- Sexual (verbally or physically).
Professional duty
Karachi grammar school recognises the professional duty placed upon the principal/heads to draw up procedures, per this policy, to prevent bullying and harassment among students and teachers and to bring these procedures to the attention of staff, parents and students. (see the reporting harassment policy).
Signs of bullying
Students who are being bullied may show changes in behaviour, such as becoming shy and nervous, feigning illness, taking unusual absences or clinging to adults. There may be evidence of changes in work patterns, lacking concentration or truanting from school. Students are encouraged to report bullying in their respective sections.
Teachers and all adults working in the school must be alert to the signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it.
Staff are made aware of the signs of bullying as part of annual training, as well as through the policy handbook.
Sometimes the symptoms of bullying will present themselves at home. Parents are, therefore, made aware of the signs of bullying at information evenings and through our website and will be encouraged to speak to the principal/head if they have any concerns about their child.
Preventing bullying
Karachi grammar school takes a proactive approach to prevent bullying through a range of strategies that include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Emphasising the importance and nature of respect through the house system, assemblies and other systems.
- Holding team building activities at the start of and throughout the year to build a sense of community in which we value and care for each other.
- Raising awareness of the nature of bullying through cross-curricular strands.
- The senior leadership team works with individuals and groups of students to build positive relationships and rebuild relationships after conflict.
- Anti-bullying assemblies are held.
- Receiving feedback from students about bullying procedures and student safety through the step forms.
- A zero tolerance approach to bullying to be adhered to so every teacher is absolutely clear and duty bound to follow the procedures laid out.
Identifying bullying
Karachi grammar school will operate various appropriate reporting and detection systems to proactively and promptly detect bullying. Students will have access to a ‘bullying box’ situated in the section offices and regularly checked by the heads/principal. Students also have daily contact with their class teachers/house tutors, enabling every student to have an adult in school to talk to and raise concerns.
Dealing with bullying
The students involved in all bullying incidents are encouraged to talk issues over with the aid of a mediator (usually a teaching member of staff or senior leader) and find a way forward to end the cycle of bullying and complaints. This strategy seems to be more effective when students who are friends fall out but could be less effective at resolving full-scale bullying.
Although mediation can be successful in some cases, others have expressed concerns that victims of bullying may be making themselves vulnerable when discussing their feelings. When using this method, we should seriously consider the mediator’s skills and the capacity of staff to carry out follow-up work and ensure positive behaviour continues after the end of the sessions. The school provides opportunities for counselling to the ‘bully’ and the family so that the cycle ends there and the problem is addressed at the root.
If bullying is suspected or reported, the member of staff who has been approached deals with it immediately; steps are taken to support and respond to the needs of both bullied and bullying students.
Parents and carers are informed of the situation. They are asked to be vigilant, particularly over their students’ interactions online.
Parents have the right to contact the cyber crime unit for cyberbullying as this has happened outside of school. However, such incidents will also be investigated and dealt with internally as well.
The school can involve the cyber crime unit for serious incidents that occur on the school premises. The school will also fully support an external investigation into incidents of bullying.
Students who report bullying should be supported by:
Offering them an immediate opportunity to discuss the experience with a member of staff with whom they are comfortable.
Reassurance from a member of staff as to how seriously the school takes bullying.
Support from all staff in restoring self-esteem and confidence.
A clear account of the incident is recorded.
Members of the senior leadership team will interview all concerned and keep records of all interviews in the students’ files.
Teachers, assistant heads, heads of section and other staff involved with both the victim and alleged bully will be kept fully informed.
The slt will be responsible for deciding on an appropriate strategy that may include:
Counselling (or similar) to support the victim.
Sanctions for the bully (in line with the school’s behaviour for learning policy).
Restorative strategies to repair the relationship.
Behavioural interventions to prevent future bullying incidents, such as anger management and counselling for the bully.
Contacting relevant professionals, e.g. The school wellness counsellor or external agencies.
Role of all stakeholders
Our staff will:
- Foster in our students’ self-esteem, self-respect and respect for others.
- Demonstrate by example the high standards of personal and social behaviour we expect of our students.
- Discuss bullying with all classes so that every student learns about the damage it causes to both the child who is bullied and to the bully and the importance of telling a teacher about bullying when it happens.
- Be alert to signs of distress and other possible indications of bullying.
- Listen to children who have been bullied, take what they say seriously and act to support and protect them.
- Report suspected cases of bullying to the assistant heads or the heads, or the principal.
- Follow up any complaint by a parent about bullying, and report back promptly and thoroughly on the action taken.
- Deal with observed instances of bullying promptly and effectively, in keeping with the agreed procedures.
We expect our students to:
Refrain from becoming involved in any bullying, even at the risk of incurring temporary unpopularity.
Report to a member of staff any witnessed or suspected instances of bullying.
We ask our parents to support their children and the school by:
- Watching for signs of distress or unusual behaviour in their children, which might be evidence of bullying.
- Advising their children to report any bullying to a member of staff and explain the implications of allowing the bullying to continue unchecked for themselves and other students.
- Advising their children not to retaliate violently to any forms of bullying.
- Being sympathetic and supportive towards their children and reassuring them that appropriate action will be taken.
- Keep a written record of any reported instances of bullying.
- Informing the school of any suspected bullying, even if their children are not involved.
- Co-operating with the school if their children are accused of bullying.
The responsibilities of all – everyone should:
- Work together to combat and, hopefully, in time, eradicate bullying.
- Continuous professional development of staff
- All staff will receive training each july/august as part of the annual staff induction cycle. Restorative justice training for all teachers to facilitate a sustainable, consistent approach in all sections.
Respect in the Workplace Policy (Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment – Adults)
Karachi grammar school is committed to providing a respectful workplace for all employees. Workplace bullying and harassment are unacceptable and a risk to health and safety because it may affect workers’ mental and physical health. Failure by leaders and employees to take steps to manage the risk of workplace bullying and harassment will be viewed as a breach of contractual obligations and responsibilities.
To set out the responsibilities of all staff to be vigilant and report any incidents of workplace bullying and harassment.
To ensure that all employees are respectful to each other at all times.
The board of governors’ responsibilities
The board of governors is equally responsible for creating a positive, harassment-free workplace by:
Adhering to karachi grammar school’s code of practice and incorporating these values in performance agreements.
Embracing diversity and supporting an inclusive workplace.
Recognising and appreciating different working styles and perspectives.
Contributing to open communication and information sharing.
Taking seriously any incidents of bullying or harassment both for yourself and other employees and reporting them promptly.
A personal checklist for leaders/managers and employees can be found in the appendices.
Principal/heads’ responsibilities
In addition to employee responsibilities, the principal/heads are equally responsible for creating a positive, harassment-free workplace by:
- Promoting open communication, sharing information.
- Being approachable and supporting others when required.
- Not diminishing or seeking to excuse reported instances of harassment or bullying.
- Providing constructive, regular, reasonable performance guidance.
- Embracing diversity and sustaining an inclusive workplace.
- Recognising and appreciating different working styles and perspectives.
- Fostering teamwork and rewarding collaborative behaviour.
- Allocating duties fairly, setting clear expectations and realistic deadlines.
- Ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills to perform their role.
- Providing access to flexible working arrangements.
- Encouraging a work-life balance.
- Understanding the potential impact of witnessing and reporting an incident of harassment on the broader work area.
- Monitoring potential for, and acting promptly on, bullying or harassing behaviour.
These principal’s/heads’ responsibilities are in addition to their duties as an employee of karachi grammar school.
Human resources
The human resources department will:
- Take any complaint of bullying or harassment seriously.
- Undertake prompt action to ensure all employees concerned feel safe in the workplace.
- Conduct informal/formal investigations into any matter reported.
- Protect the confidentiality of those who report and/or have experienced harassment or bullying to the extent possible.
- Afford principles of natural justice to all relevant parties.
- Facilitate mediation or professional counselling where appropriate.
- For formal investigations, engage an external investigator where required.
- Make recommendations to facilitate prompt resolution of all complaints of bullying and/or harassment.
Reporting Harassment Policy
Karachi grammar school is committed to providing a respectful environment for all individuals.
To set out the responsibilities of all students and staff to be vigilant and report any incidents of bullying and harassment.
To ensure that all students and staff are respectful to each other at all times.
To establish karachi grammar school as a safe environment for all.
Karachi grammar school (kgs) is committed to providing staff and students with a learning and working environment free from harassment (verbal and/or physical) based on gender, race, religion, national origin, ethnic background, age or disability.
The goal is to maintain a school climate conducive to learning, and therefore supportive and respectful.
The purpose of this policy is not merely to provide rules to prohibit inappropriate behaviour but also to educate members of the school community as to what types of interaction are consistent with our community’s sense of dignity and respect.
For the purposes of this policy, members of the school community include all administrators, teachers, students, and all other school personnel.
It is a violation of this policy for any member of the school community to harass, in any way, any other member of the school community on school grounds, during school activities, en route to or from school, or via social media, either personally or electronically.
Karachi grammar school will investigate all complaints, formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment. The school will take appropriate action against any school community member who is found to have violated this policy.
It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to treat each other respectfully. In addition, all members are expected to become familiar with this anti-harassment policy and abide by it.
We take a child-centred approach and try to ensure that all our learners have a voice and can express any concerns that they may have. You are reminded that it could happen here and that we must always take the concerns of students seriously. Safeguarding takes priority – you must, without fail, make time to listen to any students who show signs of distress or who wish to confide in you.
Procedures for reporting and investigating complaints
Reporting complaints
Any member of the school community who believes that s/he has been the victim of harassment (as defined above) by a member of staff, student, visitor, or other personnel of the karachi grammar school community, or who knows of any of the above, must report the alleged acts as soon as possible.
A harassment complaint may be made to confidentially the principal, head, wellness counsellor or any other school staff member with whom the complainant feels comfortable. The wellness counsellor is a member of staff who has received additional training to deal with issues of harassment.
If the report is made to someone other than the principal, it becomes the responsibility of that person to report the complaint to the principal in writing using the forms available in the principal’s office or the head’s office. If the complaint involves a staff member, the complainant should file their report to the head or principal.
Upon receiving a complaint, whoever receives it will notify the dsl, principal, or head of section, oversee an investigation, and serve as the complaint hearing officer. The principal (school hearing officer) will address the concern promptly. Within three (3) working days, the principal will forward all formal complaints to the inquiry committee/panel. The inquiry committee/panel must be permanent, and each member should have a two-year term. The membership of the committee should be common knowledge in order to reduce barriers to reporting.
Discourse procedure
STOP AND… | · A student may wish to talk to you at any point – if this involves safeguarding, you must be prepared to listen immediately. · Do not ask the student to come back later or to make an appointment. | |
LISTEN | · The student has chosen you – you are in a position of trust. · Listen carefully to what they say. · Do not show shock or disbelief. · Take it seriously. | |
REASSURE | · Tell the student that they have done the right thing by speaking out. · Do not promise confidentiality – you have a duty to refer. You can, however, state that information will only be shared with the people who need to know. · Alleviate guilt – the student is not to blame, and they did the right thing in coming to you. | |
REMAIN RESPONSE NEUTRAL | · Do not ask leading questions (e.g. ‘did X do this to you?’) or interrogate them. · Do not criticise the alleged perpetrator. · Do not ask the student to repeat the matter to another member of staff. · Explain that you need to talk to the DSL. · Do not investigate the matter yourself. | |
RECORD | · Make brief notes if you can during the meeting, or if not, immediately afterwards. · Keep your original notes. · Record the date, time, place and the actual words used by the student. · Record statements and actions rather than your interpretation | |
REFER | · Immediately contact the school DSL or the head of section as appropriate. · Fill in the report form. |
Reporting pathways
The inquiry committee/panel will consider every report of harassment seriously and investigate all reports promptly. Students and staff will assist the inquiry committee/panel, as needed, in the investigative procedures and identification and delivery of all necessary services to concerned individuals.
The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the alleged harasser, and any other individuals who may know about the alleged incident(s) or circumstances giving rise to the complaint. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy, the inquiry committee/panel should consider the surrounding circumstances, any relevant documents, the nature of the behaviour, past incidents or past or continuing patterns of behaviour, and the relationships between the parties involved. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances. Special care will be taken to ensure that the person(s) accused of harassment has a full and fair opportunity to explain his/her side of the story.
Whenever possible, the inquiry committee will complete the investigation and report within ten (10) school days after the complaint has been filed, indicating whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual or not.
There will be no reprisal against the person filing the complaint whether or not the complaint is sustained. If the allegations are sustained, the principal or, in a case against the principal, the board of governors must take immediate corrective and/or disciplinary action to resolve the situation. Such action may include, but is not limited to, requiring an apology, direction to stop the offensive behaviour, counselling, warning, suspension, fixed term exclusion, permanent exclusion, or dismissal.
As soon as the investigation is completed, all formal records of harassment will be forwarded to the principal. Access to these records will be limited to the principal and the chairman of the board. Anyone who is disciplined under this procedure will have the right to appeal to the board of governors within ten working days of receipt of the concluding report.
Alleged abuse by a parent, guardian, school staff member, or another adult will be reported to the board of governors according to school policy and procedure. If allegations warrant, then this can be forwarded to the law enforcement agencies.
Karachi grammar school recognises that both the complainant and the alleged harasser have strong interests in maintaining the confidentiality of the allegations and related information. The complainant’s privacy, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and all witnesses will be respected as much as possible, consistent with legal obligations to investigate.
If students are involved in allegations as victim, perpetrator, or witnesses, the principal will notify the parents and/or guardians of the allegations promptly using appropriate discretion in the notification.
Provision against retaliation
Retaliation against a complainant or witnesses will not be tolerated. Karachi grammar school will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator or other school community member who retaliates against:
- Any person who reports alleged harassment.
- Any person who testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation of harassment.
- Any person who testifies, assists, or participates in a proceeding or hearing related to an allegation of harassment. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment.
Safer Environment Policy (Health and Safety Policy)
To provide a safe, secure and healthy school environment for students and adults.
To encourage everyone to be vigilant and be aware of possible risks whilst also feeling confident and comfortable within their environment.
Childhood is the time when individuals start developing practices and attitudes towards their health and fitness. They, therefore, need to be provided with a fear-free, safe and caring environment in which they learn about a healthy lifestyle and how to look after themselves.
Safe and secure school environment
Karachi grammar school is the working environment for many groups of individuals and plays host to many others. Therefore, a safe environment must be established in which students and adults can work together with confidence. It is the responsibility of the senior leadership team and board of governors to ensure this is the case.
To promote this, we must all take responsibility for being vigilant and be aware of possible risks. Students and adults should be encouraged to keep themselves and one another safe and share any concerns they may have swiftly and appropriately.
However, we must also be aware of the need to balance security and safety and maintain a comfortable, welcoming learning environment. This policy aims to address and provide guidance on this balance, identifying individual and group responsibilities.
Clean and healthy school environment
The highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene are maintained at karachi grammar school by ensuring that the following procedures are adhered to:
Cleanliness. Daily inspections of the school building and washrooms are carried out by the head/principal and admin staff.
Drinking water and water tanks. Water filters are checked periodically as per requirement. If bottled water is being used, it is sent to a reliable laboratory to ensure that it is fit for drinking. Water tanks (overhead and underground) are cleaned every month.
Fumigation. The school premises are professionally fumigated once every term. However, washrooms and corridors are sprayed thoroughly with insecticide (fogging) twice a week, preferably on tuesdays and saturdays.
Garbage disposal. Garbage is disposed of, and all dust bins are washed and sprayed with insecticide. Garbage bags are used for all the dustbins.
School cafeteria. All staff working in the cafeteria have security clearance and a medical fitness certificate before they are hired. Staff should wear clean uniforms and use caps and gloves while cooking and serving any food items. The admin team should carry out daily inspection of the canteen area, and a record is maintained. Freezers, fridges and storing places should be checked regularly along with the expiry dates of all food items. Carbonated drinks, chocolates, crisps, candies, chewing gums and junk food must not be made available at the canteens.
No smoking area. The whole school is declared a no-smoking area, and no member of staff and/or visitors are allowed to smoke on the school premises.
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy food
Students should be encouraged to eat healthfully and keep a balanced diet. They should eat a variety of foods to get the energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre needed for good health. Teachers should talk to children about the ‘food guide pyramid’ so that they understand the importance of a healthy and nutritious diet. Doctors, dentists and nutritionists may be invited to the school to give informative and motivating talks to children about a healthy lifestyle.
Physical activity and sports
All students are encouraged to participate in age-appropriate physical activities and sports. One hundred per cent participation is the expectation, with pe lessons not being optional. These periods are not used for ‘catch up’ in other subjects. A healthy body means a healthy mind.
4.6.30 medical provision
Registration with a hospital
Karachi grammar school should be registered with the closest hospital of good repute. In case of a medical emergency, staff and students are taken to the registered hospital unless otherwise advised by parents/guardians.
Medical room and first aid training
In each section there should be at least one nurse on duty in the medical room on-campus during school hours. Key staff and pe teachers must be trained to provide first aid to a sick or injured child. The nurses will always check the student before she/he is taken to the registered hospital. If a student is hurt or is not feeling well, the class teacher must immediately inform the head/principal or office staff. If it is a mild ailment, then the student may be referred to the medical room. They, in turn, will call the parents. If the child needs immediate medical help, she/he will either be collected by the parents/guardians or rushed to the registered hospital, and parents instructed to reach there directly.
Under no circumstances should any oral medication be given to the child by the school staff unless advised by the parents.
First aid kit/box
First aid boxes are fully stocked and available in the school offices and science labs. Essential first aid items/medicines are to be kept in the kits/boxes. These may include the following:
- A list of emergency telephone numbers.
- Sterile gauze pads of different sizes.
- Adhesive tapes.
- Band-aids in several sizes.
- Elastic bandage.
- A splint.
- Antiseptic wipes.
- Soap.
- Antibiotic ointment.
- Scissors.
- Safety pins.
- Instant cold packs.
- Calamine lotion.
- Thermometer.
- Disposable gloves.
Students’ health records on isams
Students’ health records are maintained and updated on isams regularly. Children with any medical needs or are differently abled are given special attention, and regular home-school partnerships are maintained.
Educational visits
Before planning any educational visits outside the school, the safety and security of the students are ensured. The visit site is inspected before the visit, and, if considered suitable, approval is sought from the head/principal. Transport and conveyance arrangements are checked. Distant and congested places are avoided. Proper discipline is maintained on the transport and a roll call of students taken before departure from the school and the visit site. Completing a risk assessment form and receiving parents’ written permission is mandatory before any off-site visit.