This week, our Year I children had a fantastic time at a local pizza parlour! Each section had their own special day to visit, accompanied by their teachers and some parent volunteers. The children became mini-chefs for the day, learning to knead dough, spread sauce, and sprinkle cheese on top of their pizzas. While waiting for their pizzas to bake, they got creative, drawing pictures of what they imagined their pizzas would look like and identifying all the tasty ingredients they used!
Before they started, everyone made sure to follow hygiene rules by washing their hands and putting on hairnets. The children carefully used kitchen tools and followed each step in the correct order. They also displayed their maths skills by dividing their pizzas into parts, practising fractions while using fun pizza vocabulary!
To ‘top it’ all off, they demonstrated excellent table manners while enjoying their delicious creations. It was a wonderful learning experience, with everyone having a thoroughly good time!