From pantomime to parody, movement to magic, the Year II Drama Festival held on the 2nd and 3rd of May, gave so many wonderful opportunities for all the children to shine.
The Drama Festival is for every child in Year II, not just the aspiring future actors!
Every child has a part, and the diverse talents that they bring to the ‘stage’ are what makes the event so successful and rich.
The animated and engaging performances in Urdu and English serve a dual purpose: to entertain and to enrich the children’s learning journey, complete with costumes, props and scenery! It is one of the most enjoyable forms of active learning that takes place in the classroom, and one of the highlights of the Year II experience.
This year’s selection of plays provided an excellent balance of humour, action, drama and fun.The children along with their teachers worked with great enthusiasm and excitement to adapt the stories, learn their lines,create props and costumes, and prepared to stage their performances.
The young actors had a great time as their efforts were enjoyed and applauded by their peers, KG teachers, visiting JS teachers , Mrs. Farooq, Mrs.Haider and Mrs.Husain.The budding thespians were congratulated by Mrs. Farooq, for delivering such confident and creative performances,she also appreciated the message underlying each performance.
Well doneYear II children and teachers for entertaining us with such an enjoyable, inclusive and engaging drama festival!