KGS LOGO for Drk Bkgd2

Karachi Grammar School

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Transform Yourself.
Transform the World.

Value of the Month- Friendship


During the month of October the children of the Kindergarten Section explored the value of forming, developing and sustaining  Friendships.

They participated in a variety of ‘friendship’ activities, learning how to recognise and maintain healthy friendships, all the while developing their personal and social skills.Nursery children  made a ‘ Friendship Banner’, a colourful and cheerful reminder that we are all friends in our classroom.The focus in PSHE was on playground friends, the children developed a recipe for friendship and participated in the 5 finger friendship challenge. During R.I., children discussed the importance of friends and wrote three things that they appreciated about their friends. Earlier in Citizenship, children had identified the qualities of a good friend and how they themselves could be better friends.

Celebrating and promoting the value of  ‘Friendship’ proved to be  a wonderful way to remind the children that life is so much better with good friends by our side.