KGS LOGO for Drk Bkgd2

Karachi Grammar School

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Transform Yourself.
Transform the World.

Prep Trip to the Neighbourhood Park


Going outdoors and exploring nature are essential parts of learning, and children learn best when they are involved and actively engaged.

There was a lot of energy and excitement as the Prep children visited the ‘Neighbourhood Park’, accompanied by parent volunteers, teachers and support staff on Wednesday 24th  and Friday 26th January. Both mornings were pleasant and slightly sunny,with a fresh breeze blowing.

The children had a lovely time exploring the park and using the playground apparatus.As a bonus, the children had the opportunity to interact with the park gardener, share their observations  and have an insightful discussion on the maintenance of the park! After all the fun and learning, the children enjoyed bonding with their friends while refueling with a delicious picnic snack. The children displayed great community spirit by cleaning up after themselves and staying away from the flower beds.

 Overall, it was a thoroughly memorable day filled with laughter, activity, and discovery.