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Karachi Grammar School

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Transform Yourself.
Transform the World.

Year VI Field Trip to the Sindh Provincial Assembly


Field trips are a time-honored tradition at the Junior Section, enabling children to learn actively, while making connections between what is happening at school and in the ‘real-world’.

 The Year VI field trip to the Sindh Provincial Assembly began with a lot of excitement as students got an opportunity to travel together in coasters to reach their destination. After receiving a warm welcome from the staff  and notable officials, the children and teachers were given a tour of the old and new assembly buildings by none other than the Mayor of Karachi and received first-hand knowledge of our democratic heritage.

 The children were shown around the original assembly hall and saw the exact spot where Quaid-e- Azam, Mohammed Ali Jinnah was sworn in as the first Governor General of Pakistan. Children also had the privilege of sitting on the very benches that Liaquat Ali Khan and other notable politicians of the past had used. The children learnt lots of new information during their visit, such as how MPAs can vote by passing through to the Ayes and Noes lobbies, shared the knowledge they already had when they were questioned and also asked many interesting questions about the history of the assembly and the law making process. At the end of the tour, a goody bag was presented to each student as a token of their visit!

 This memorable trip proved to be not only an informative learning experience, inspiring many of  the children to perhaps consider a future in politics, but also a unique way  to support their learning about democracy and the government