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Karachi Grammar School

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Karachi Grammar School

& Event

Transform Yourself.
Transform the World.

Year VII Orientation


We were thrilled to welcome our newest batch of Year VII students on 4th August at their orientation.  The day began with a warm introductory Assembly at which the Headmistress, Year VII Year Tutor, Head Girl, and Head Boy addressed the enthusiastic young learners. This was a wonderful opportunity for our new members to get a glimpse of the School’s ethos, its rich traditions, and the exciting academic year that awaits them.

Following the assembly, students received their books and stationery, marking their first step towards academic endeavours at the Middle Section.

But it wasn’t all just formalities! The latter half was dedicated to fun-filled team-building activities, expertly crafted to foster bonds and instil a sense of camaraderie among the students.

At the conclusion of the orientation day, parents were invited to a special session on subject introduction. Here, representatives from the various subject departments provided valuable insights into the curriculum and expectations. This interaction offered parents a flavour of their child’s academic journey for the upcoming year, ensuring a collaborative approach to education.

All in all, the Orientation Day was a  blend of the formal and the fun, setting the tone for a balanced and enriching school year ahead. We are excited to be a part of our Year VII students’ journey, and warmly welcome them aboard!